After that date Devon wills were proved at the Exeter Probate Registry, and eventually all original wills were moved to that location. Unfortunately the building was bombed during WW2, and all the wills were burnt. For more on wills, and where to obtain copies of some of them, see http://www.devon.gov.uk/locating_wills_and_admin.htm - Accessed 25-09-2016
Published by the Devonshire Association, ed Edw.Alex. Fry, Plymouth, 1914:
1576 John Quick, W
1577 John Philpott, Vicar of Ashburton, W (indexed elsewhere as clerk)
1588 Agnes Withecombe, W
1671 Robert Ripper als Richards, Hole in Ashburton, A
1674 Bartholomew Moor, A
1675 George Prowse, clerk
1682 Grace Browne, A
1698 Edward Ford, W
1699 William Aishweek, W
1708 Roger Caunter, W
1720 John Bastard, clk, A
1731 Peter Colliver, W
1738 Edward Whiteway, A,W
1742 Joseph Cock, A,W
1743 Thomas Cookesley, W
1744 Eliz. Whiteway, W
1751 Mary Rowe, W
1751 Elizabeth Woodley, W
1755 Thomas Tothill Esq, A,W
1760 Mary Whithear, A,W
1761 Dorothy Seager, A
1762 Eliz. Wolston, wid., W
1763 Thomas Land, A
1764 John Widger, A
1766 Robert Butter, W
1767 John Sowter, W
1768 Elizabeth Adams, A
1769 William Rowe, A,W
1770 Susanna Dolbear, W
1771 Ann Widger, A,W
1771 Peter Woodley, A
1772 Henry Woodley, A
1775 Gilbert Popham, W
1777 Jonathan Withecombe, A,W
1778 William Ley, W
1785 Ursula Warkman, W
1791 Philip Frost, A
1791 Joseph Leman, W
1795 William Hern, W
1795 John Wotton, W
1796 Richard Codner, W
1796 John Champion A
1799 Thomas Maunder, W
The inventory of the effects of the deceased mentions, inter aliis the value of his wearing apparel, £1; money in his purse, 13s 6d; one pair of looms, 10s; ten pewter dishes, 16s. The total of the personal effects amounted to £65 7s 6d.'
Devonshire Parishes, Charles Worthy, vol 2,Exeter and London, 1889, p327
Extract of will of Walter Palk, February 22nd 1705. '[To Walter] Paulk my eldest son, all my lands after the decease of his mother, charged with the following payments, £40 to Jonathan my second son, £30 to Thomas my third son, £30 to Grace Palke my daughter. Residue to Grace my wife who is sole executrix. Witnesses John Smerdon, John Furseman, Robert Jerman. Proved Peculiar Court, Dean and Chapter, Exeter, 22nd May 1707. Personal estate £160 10s 5½d.
The maiden name of his wife was Ryder, and in her right he acquired a small farm, called Lower Headborough, close to Ashburton. Her eldest son Walter is described as of Headborough.'
Devon Parishes, Charles Worthy, vol 2, Exeter and London 1889, p328
Devon and Cornwall Notes and Queries vol 11, January 1920-October 1921, Exeter 1921, p49
Ashburton people or properties in 'Devonshire Wills: A collection of annotated testamentary abstracts together with the family history and genealogy of many of the most ancient gentle houses of the west of England, Charles Worthy, 1896'
The book is available to read freely on http://archive.org
The last Will of Richard Wyndeatt of Ashburton, 13th October, 1547. He
bequeaths to the " hedd store" within the Church of Ashburton 4d.
Residue to wife Joan, who is Sole Executrix.
Witnesses Nicholas Landeman, Curate.
John Wyndeatt.
Thomas Wyndeatt.
George Wyndeatt.
Proved i8th June, 1548.
Personality, 4 153. 7d.
Collated Will in Old Book, Peculiar Court, D. and C, Exon.
Wm. Wreford of Ashburton, 2Oth April, 1579. To each child he leaves a
sheep. To son John, half a dole in a tyn work called Wellysfuurd, and
the twentieth part of a Tynn worke called Allerbrook, and a sixth part
of another called Moor Parke Head.
Residue to wife Elizabeth, who is Sole Executrix.
Witnesses Thomas Taylor, Harry Whiteway.
Rulers Wm. and Harry Whiteway.
Proved 3rd June, 1580.
Collated Will, Old Book, Peculiar Court, D. and C, Exon.
by Charels Worthy: Allerbrook is a small tributary of the Dart, about
five miles from Ashburton, and in the middle of Holne Moor.
1606 James Woodley was a trustee in a will made by Elizabeth Mortymer of Tedburn St Mary.
Charles Worthy then adds a note: The Woodleys migrated to Ashburton, and were Lords of the Manor of Buckland-in-the-Moor, 1593.
Present Representative James Woodley, J.P., of Halshanger, Ashburton.
by Charles Worthy: The Tidboulds, Tidbolles, or Tidballs, are an old
Devonshire family, of late years resident at Chulmleigh.
Tidball, in 1613, accepted the curacy of Ashburton, and was subsequently
Head Master of the Grammar School. Upon the death of his son-in-law,
Mark Law, who had married his daughter Maria, and had succeeded his
father, Archdeacon Law, as Vicar of Ashburton, Mr. Tidball was himself
instituted to that preferment in 1644. He died in 1647.
The Will
of his son, Samuel Tidball, gentleman, dated 20th May, 1666, was proved
in the Court of the Dean and Chapter of Exeter, 13th July, that year.
See below
John Wreaforde of Ashburton, ipth Jan., 4th Charles. To daughter
Peternell, wife of Richard Taprill, a pewter dish. Mentions children of
said Peternell, viz., John, Ann, and Peternell.
Residue to wife Barbara, who is Sole Executrix.
Proved i/th April, 1629.
Sum, 21 75. 5d.
1633. Elizabeth Gould of Ashburton, Widow.
She gives, amongst other bequests, an annuity of
2 to the poor of Ashburton to issue out of her meadow called Persford.
Proved , 1633, by James Gould, the Executor
named in the Will.
by Charles Worthy: When I saw this Will, 23rd August, 1880, the
document was in fragments, and the top and bottom of the paper were both
The annuity to the poor of Ashburton has been long
discontinued, and I never heard of it during my intimate connection with
the parish extending over eighteen years, 1861-1879. Edward Gould, of
same family, was a benefactor to Ashburton by his Will dated
i6th March, 1735, and, singularly enough, one of his bequests was a sum
of 4o/- to the poor of Ashburton and Staverton, 2o/- to each parish
charged on land. Can it have been his intention to thus carry out the
Will of Elizabeth Gould ? He was also a considerable benefactor to
Ashburton Grammar School.
Administration of the estate of Silvester Whiteway of Ashburton,
deceased. Granted to Humphrey Tooker of the City of Exeter, Merchant.
2nd Nov., 1639.
(Epis. Regs., Exon.)
1644. Probate of the Will of Mark Law, Clerk, Vicar of
Ashburton. Granted to Marie, his relict. 23rd Jany., 1644.
Sum, 98 1 8s. 4d.
(Epis. Regs., Exon.)
by Charles Worthy: He was the son of the Venerable Robert Law,
Archdeacon of Barnstaple and Treasurer of Exeter Cathedral, and
succeeded his father in the Vicarage of Ashburton, 1629. He married
Maria Tidball, daughter of the Rev. Samuel Tidball, Master of Ashburton
Grammar School, by whom he was himself succeeded in the Vicarage of
Ashburton, which Editor's father, the Rev. Ch.irles Worthy, sub-
sequently held from 1861 to his death in 1879.
The last Will of Samuel Tidball of Ashburton, Gentleman. 2Oth May,
1666. To the poor there, 3. To sister Martha Tidball he leaves all -his
fee-simple lands in Ashburton, with remainder to Hugh Stowell, Esq., and
his heirs. Residue to said sister Martha, who is Sole Executrix.
Witnesses Wm. Denet, Dorothy Griffin.
Proved I3th July, 1666.
by Charles Worthy: Testator was son of Rev. Samuel Tidball, who went to
Ashburton as Curate to Robert Law, Archdeacon of Barnstaple and Vicar
of Ashburton, 1613, and became Master of Ashburton Grammar
1616, and succeeded Mark Law, son of the Archdeacon of Barnstaple, as
Vicar of Ashburton in 1644 died 1647. The said Mark Law was the husband
of testator's other sister, Maria Tidball.
Hugh Stowell was of
Herebeare in the parish of Bickington prope Ashburton. He was of a
younger branch of the Stawels (pronounced Stowel) of Cothelstone, co.
Somerset, and his immediate relatives were long resident at Herebeare.
M. Griffin, of the same race as " Dorothy G.," died at Ashburton, May
15th, 1853, aged 105. She had been present at the coronation of George
Walter Palke of the Towne of Ashburton, Yeoman, 5th Nov., 1677. To
sister Dionis Townsend, 10, and her life in all lands in Ashburton after
decease of wife Agnes. To cousin Margaret, daughter of Dionis Townsend,
;io. To cousins John and Joan Townsend, 505. each. To cousin Walter,
of Thomas Palke, deceased, Reversion of the Ashburton lands after the
death of Dionis Townsend and of wife Agnes, charged with an annuity of
2Os. to cousin Dionis.
Residue to wife Agnes, who is Sole Executrix.
Witnesses Thomas Palke, Agnes Hanniford, Wm. and
Mary Hanniford.
Proved iQth Dec, 1679.
The last Will of John Tucker of Woodland (prope Ashburton, not
"Woodleigh," as entered in the Kalendar), 20th Sept., 1662. The tenement
called " Millcliff" to wife Mary, together with a house, &c., in
St. Lawrence's lane, Ashburton, held of Hugh Woodley, and now in
occupation of Gregory Holkmore, Esq. To sister Thomasine, 40$. Mentions
daughter Mary, granddaughter Jane Tucker, and "Cozen" Francis Tucker.
Residue to wife Mary, who is Sole Executrix.
Admon. granted to Mary Tucker, daughter of deceased, 28th Feb., 1678.
The last Will of Richard Hamlyn of Buckfastleigh. To son Richard my
right in " Old Walls," situate at Buckfast, together with " Latherhole
Park " in Widecombe. To son Giles
Hamlyn land situated at Lana Water
in Ashburton. To son Francis is. ; to daughter Mary, 53. Said son
Richard, his lease in Hembury during the life of Ann Gould the younger.
He has also residue, and is Sole Exor.
Proved 2 5th April, 1690.
by Charles Worthy: Testator was of the Southcombe branch of the family.
His son Francis, who is "cut off with a shilling," was born 1660, and
was the father of Peter Hamlyn of Southcombe, Widecombe-in-the-Moor,
born 1690. Peter Hamlyn, great-grandfather of testator, had paid the
on Southcombe in 1621. The latter was grandson of Richard, brother of
Robert Hamlyn, ancestor of the Hamlyns now of Buckfastleigh.
1706. John Hamlyn of Widecombe, Yeoman. His leasehold house in Ashburton, courtlage and herb garden (determinable upon the lives of John and Elizb. Cane), to daughter Mary Hamlyn.
Proved April, 1706.
Sum 117 os. 2cl.
Residue to wife Grace, who is Sole Executrix.
Witnesses John Smerdon, John Fursman, Robert Jerman.
Proved 27th May, 1707.
Note by Charles Worthy: Testator was the grandfather of Sir Robert Palk, Bart., and therefore the direct ancestor of the present Lord Haldon. Although described as " Cousin " (as was then usual), he was really nephew of Walter Palk, whose will was proved igth Dec., 1679, to which refer. His son Jonathan was subsequently Vicar of Ilsington. See "Devonshire Parishes," vol. ii., p. 325, et seq.
The highest court for the south of England was the Prerogative Court of the Archbishop of Canterbury - hence PCC wills
Copies of PCC wills are kept at the National Archives -
http://www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/. You can find full references on the website, and order copies online. Alternatively you can visit the archives and view the wills for free
Ashburton PCC wills 1579 - 1699
Robert Prydiaux or Prydyaux, gentleman, February 1579
John Dolbeare, tanner, February 1611
Richard Hexte, widow, November 1611
Robert Pryme, February 1614
Thomas Tonye, July 1616
John Blundell, yeoman, October 1616
Richard Yolland, gentleman, November 1620
Elizabeth Gould, widow, May 1633
John Noseworthy, May 1636
Thomas Ford or Foord, June 1636
Alfred Denband, yeoman, November 1636
William Tolchard or Tolcheard, yeoman, June 1637
Laurence Blundell, gentleman, April 1638
Laurenty Blundell, June 1640
Arthur Woodley, gentleman, June 1640
Thomas Ford, December 1640
Thomas Cruse, gentleman, May 1642
Thomas Ford, May 1642
Thomas Harris, mercer, November 1648
William Fabian, clothier, May 1654
Stephen Sunter, May 1654
Henry Furse, yeoman, August 1654
Thomas Reeve, cordwainer, May 1655
Peter Elford, husbandman, July 1655
William Pinsent, baker, December 1655
John Ogier, yeoman, April 1658
Elizabeth Tidball, widow, April 1658
Julyan or Julian Derry, widow, August 1658
Johan Johns, widow, May 1659
John Lany, June 1659
Mary Addiscott or Adiscott, widow, May 1660
Sampson Bound, yeoman, November 1689
Ashburton PCC wills 1700 - 1799
Sampson Bound, gentleman now on board her Majesty's ship The Dunkirk, June 1707
John Sewter, gentleman, August 1720
Delann Pridham, chirurgeon, August 1723
Frances Corbyn, widow, May 1744
John Stidston, mariner, June 1756
Thomas Foot, mariner, now belonging to his Majesty's ship Saint Albans, August 1762
Elizabeth Lake, widow, August 1762
John Parrott, mariner of his Majesty's ship Lowestoffe, January 1763
Mary Wreyford, May 1763
John Winsor, clothier, June 1772
Benjamin Cockings, gentleman, August 1773
Elizabeth Rhodes, widow, March 1774
Richard Emmett, belonging to his Majesty's ship Berwick, March 1782
Thomas Foot, now belonging to his Majesty's ship Berwick, March 1782
John Tozer, May 1783
John Dunning, gentleman, January 1784
William Crossing, belonging to his Majesty's sloop Martin, June 1784
James Bonnamy, of his Majesty's ship Burford, July 1784
Reverend John Mogridge, clerk, October 1785
Mary Jaquary, widow, March 1788
Elizabeth Ley, widow, May 1789
William Winsor, January 1790
George Stone, cordwainer, September 1791
Patience Taylor, widow, February 1794
Elizabeth Frances Cookesley, formerly Shipling, widow, February 1795
John Colton, gentleman, March 1795
Doctor John Sibthorp, MD and Regius Professor of Botany in the University of Oxford, Doctor of Physic, February 1796
Elizabeth Parr, widow, June 1799
Richard Hill, captain in the Royal Navy and now commander of his Majesty's store ship Dromedary, August 1799
Thomas Madge Smerdon, Captain of a vessel in the African trade, September 1799
1772 Francis Hamlyn of Widecombe-in-the-Moor, Yeoman. To loving wife Anne, the South Part of Sercombe for 99 years, with reversion to nephew Peter Hamlyn and his male heirs, he being son of brother Peter H. The other sons of said brother Peter have remainder of said estate, viz., Richard, George, Francis, William, Thomas, and Hugh Hamlyn. In default of heirs of these, Sercombe is settled on brother George Hamlyn of Aveton Gifford and his sons, George, Richard, John, Arthur, and Francis Hamlyn, and in default to right heirs of said nephew, Peter Hamyln. He bequeaths in similar terms the other moiety of Sercombe, and all his tenements, &c., in Ashburton and elsewhere. Residue to wife Anne, who is Sole Executrix. Dated 29th April 1749. Proved 9th May, 1772.
Ashburton people or properties in 'Devonshire Wills: A collection of annotated testamentary abstracts together with the family history and genealogy of many of the most ancient gentle houses of the west of England, Charles Worthy, 1896'
The book is available to read freely on http://archive.org
1772 Administration to the Effects of Henry Woodley late of Ashburton, deceased intestate. Granted 27th Feby., 1772 to Catherine, wife of Richard Harris, of Ashburton, his sister, and only next of kin.
1787. The last Will of George Mortimore of North Bovey, 13th May, 1786.
He leaves the "Cumbe" estate in said parish to his four daughters Anne, Mary, Joan, and Elizabeth, in fee simple. Legacies to "three children of daughter Ann; to John German and George Mortimore German, sons of daughter Mary; to granddaughters Elizabeth and Grace Richards; to be paid them by daughter Joan."
"The lands in Ashburton belonging to daughter Elizabeth to go after her death to her two daughters, Grance and Elizabeth Richards."
Trustee, son-in-law Richard Eastabrook. To grandson John French, son of daughter Elizabeth. Residue to daughters Mary and Joan, who are joint Exors.
Proved ipth Nov., 1787
Frederick Hand Firth of Place, Ashburton, died on 18th October 1903, leaving estate valued at £27,016 0s 11d gross. Probate was granted to his sons Frederick William and Henry Mallaby Firth, and the Rev. Walter Firth of Westfield Vicarage, Sussex.
Western Times 1 January 1904 p6 col6
At a Chagford Parish Council meeting in 1904 a copy of a will made by Mr Endacott of Ashburton was produced. The will stated that after the death of Mr Endacott's wife £250 was to be paid to the Chagford Overseers, to be invested in Consols. The interest was to be used to provide blankets for the poor.
Exeter and Plymouth Gazette 4 November 1904, p11 col5
William Thomas Soudon Smerdon of Waverly, Bowdley, died on 28th June 1905, leaving £8730 4s 2d net. Probate was granted to his nephews, William Henry Abbot of Higher Bowdley, Mr. Thomas Smerdon Abbot of Dinnacombe, Cornworthy, Totnes and Mr. John Smerdon of Gages. Bequests included sums to John and Walter Thomas Shapley, nephews of his late wife, and an annuity to his sister Eliza Ann Smerdon.
Western Times 1 November 1905 p2 col3
1912 George Pitts, of Froma, Ashburton, died in April. Formerly a butcher at Card House, he left £3317.
Western Times 5 September 1912 p10 col2
1926 Mr H M Firth, of Knowle, left £30,675 - £14,867 net. His wife and daughter were already provided for; in addition his wife was left his personal effects, and his daughter Dorothy Mary had a small bequest. The manor of Ashburton and the Market Hall went to his son Ralph Woodley Firth*, and he left the residue of his property to his two sons.
Western Morning News 30 August 1926, p4 col5
*Ralph Woodley Woodley in the newspaper account
November 1927. Mrs Elizabeth Jane Endacott, who had died on October 1st, left £5151 net. She left £100 each to Kate, Jessie, Florence and Winnifred, daughters of her brother, and £50 to her servant Elizabeth Andrews, if still in her service at the time of her death. The residue went to her nieces Ada Alice Coyte and May Brown.
Western Morning News 17 November 1927, p6 col3
William Tozer Butchers, East Street - headmaster of the Council Schools for about 40 years - died on October 11th 1927, leaving £3222 net. Probate was granted to his daughters Mrs. Harriet Jane Tozer Weeks of Deerings Road, Hillmorton, Rugby, and Mrs. Dorothy Mary Hext Marks of Exon, Worrall-Street, Morley, Leeds.Exeter and Plymouth Gazette 20th December 1927 p5 col6
In 1930 Deaconess Josephine Elizabeth Dymond of St. Andrew's Close, Ashburton left £24,961. Her will left a large number of charitable bequests and money to the church, including up to 20 years salary for a deaconess or similar female worker in St. Matthew's parish, Exeter.
Exeter and Plymouth Gazette 9 June 1930 p7 col4
1932 Mr. Stephen Yolland, farmer of Lenycroft, left £6219 3s 6d net.
Western Times 30 September 1932 p3 col4
1933 When Edward Sawdye died in June 1933 he left £19678 8s 3d net. He left £100 to his housekeeper, Annie Dare; £100 to his chauffeur, Herbert Deslandes; £100 to Herbert Walter Town; £100 to Arthur John Samuel; £50 to Alexander George Johnson and £50 to Cecil Henry Harris. All these bequests were dependent on the beneficiaries being in his employ at the time of his death.
Western Times 17 November 1933 p10, col4
1936 George Hern, of Ashburton, Devon, left £122,350. He was manager of the Royal College of Surgeons.
Sunday Times (Perth WA) 22 March 1936 p29 col2
Available through the free newspaper site for Australia https://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper
Miss Laura Palmer of Sparnham, Ashburton, died on October 24th 1936, aged 81. She left £3110 13s 8d gross, £2999 14s 5d net. Miss Palmer was the daughter of the late Lieut Col Edmund Palmer R.A.
Western Times 24 December 1936, p9 col1
Miss Agnes Ida Warren Vernon of The Old Linhay died on November 27th 1938 leaving £46,997 net. Probate was granted to her solicitors. She left bequests to adopted daughters Veronica Jones, Rosemary Pamela Hicks and Vivien Ethridge, and an annuity to the Ashburton Roman Catholic Church until after the death of her mother, Edith Georgina Dewar Murray. She left her house or its proceeds for the use of the Ashburton priest. Amongst other bequests £5 per annum was left to Mary Routley to look after Miss Vernon's dog, Rogue.
Western Morning News 13 January 1939 p4 col4
1941 Dr. Thomas Oates Halliwell of Hazeldene died on February 19th, aged 70. He left £12,135 net. Probate was granted to Mrs. Ethel Maud Halliwell (widow) and Marjorie Halliwell (daughter), both of Hazeldene, and bequests included those to his widow and daughter, and to his son, Eric.
Western Morning News 25 July 1941 p4 col4
Miss Bertha Manlove of Moorlawn died on August 30th 1941, aged 83. She left £2183 net.
Western Morning News 6 November 1941 p6 col5
1948 Silas Pinches, of Fremantle Road, Taunton, Somerset, and Leonard George Warren, of 14, Golvers Hill, Kingsteignton, Devon, applied to the Supreme Court of Victoria after having probate granted at the High Court in England. They were executors for Eliza Ann Warren, spinster, late of Albany, Dolbeare Road, Ashburton, Devon.
The Argus (Melbourne, Victoria) 8 June 1948 p9 col6Available through the free newspaper site for Australia https://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper