https://www.freebmd.org.uk - accessed 15-04-2024
The birth of Edward John Pomroy, the son of John Hocking and Mary Grace, was registered in the third quarter of 1882. He was born on the 25th June in Heavyhead Lane, with John Pomroy listed as a journeyman mason
GRO certificate. With thanks to Pam Trimmer
Kate Pomroy's birth was registered in the March quarter of 1890.
https://www.gro.gov.uk/gro - accessed 15-04-2024
There were two daughters on the 1901 census: Fanny, an apprentice dressmaker who was born circa 1886; and Kate, still at school, who was born circa 1889.
Research by Bob Shemeld.

Pete Webb, Past Portreeves of Ashburton, first published Ashburton 1998
Mary Grace died on the 10th April 1940. She was 89.
Ashburton Archive https://www.ashburtonarchive.org.uk - accessed 15-04-2024
A report in the Exeter and Plymouth Gazette said that John lived in West Street, and had died after a long illness. In the past he had been portreeve, and a member of the council; for three years he was Chairman of the Gas and Lighting Committee. John was a trustee of various charities, and had been a special constable. The bearers at the funeral were members of the local Oddfellows Lodge.
The mourners included his daughters: Mrs Bowler, Mrs C Kellaway and Miss E Pomroy. Mr A Rainbird, his son-in-law from Exeter, was in attendance, as was Mr H Bennett and Mrs V Bennett (grand-daughter).
Exeter and Plymouth Gazette, 12 April 1935, p14 col5
https://probatesearch.service.gov.uk/search-results - accessed 16-04-2024
Ashburton Archive https://www.ashburtonarchive.org.uk - accessed 15-04-2024