
Above: It's thought that the building on the right at the back was a wheelwright's.
Note the clapper bridge in the foreground.
From my own collection
According to Historic England, 7a Queen's Square was at one time a wheelwright's workshop.
https://historicengland.org.uk/images-books/photos/item/IOE01/04472/32 - accessed 23-05-2022
John Skinner, a wheelwright, died in November 1843, after a long illness. He was 31.
Western Times 4 November 1843, p3 col1
Thomas Free, a wheelwright, was a witness before a committee investigating election bribery and corruption in 1859. Mr Whiteway asked him to vote for Mr Astell, but he said he would not 'turn over' from Mr Moffatt. Mr Whiteway said that he would give him £100 to pay off any obligation that Mr Free had to Mr Moffatt.
Morning Chronicle 28 July 1859, p2 col3
Wheelwrights in the 1861 census
James Nankivell, 14, was an apprentice wheelwright, living or staying in the North Street area.
RG9, piece no 1405, folio 55, p19
John Hooper, 17, was an apprentice wheelwright, living or staying in East Street.
RG9, piece no 1405, folio 30, p9
RG9, piece no 1405, folio 30, p9
John Chalk, 19, was a wheelwright living or staying in North Street.
RG9, piece no 1405, folio 36, p22
RG9, piece no 1405, folio 36, p22
John Luscombe, at the Victoria Inn, North Street, was both a wheelwright and an innkeeper.
RG9, piece no 1405, folio 58, p25
RG9, piece no 1405, folio 58, p25
John Skinner, 14, was an apprentice wheelwright living or staying in North Street
RG9, piece no 1405, folio 58, p26
RG9, piece no 1405, folio 58, p26
Samuel Jewell, 19, was a wheelwright living or staying in Browses Buildings.
RG9, piece no 1405, folio 81, p33
RG9, piece no 1405, folio 81, p33
Solomon Mugrdige, 57, was a wheelwright living or staying in North Street.
RG9, piece no 1405, folio 34, p17
RG9, piece no 1405, folio 34, p17
William Leaman 63, was both a wheelwright and smith, living or staying in North Street.
RG9, piece no 1405, folio 57, p24
RG9, piece no 1405, folio 57, p24
William Row, 22, was a wheelwright lodging in Browses Buildings.
RG9, piece no 1405, folio 80, p31
RG9, piece no 1405, folio 80, p31
1859. Mrs Knowling, wheelwright, was selling ash and elm planks that would be of interest to coachbuilders and wheelwrights. Her address was North Street, Ashburton.
Western Times 8 January 1859, p4 col2
Western Times 8 January 1859, p4 col2
William and Mary Knowling were living in North Street at the time of the 1861 census. Aged 39, William was a master wheelwright employing 2 men and 3 apprentices.
One of their daughters was Laura A (see below).
1861 census RG09, piece no. 1405, folio 39, p28
In 1876 Wm Knowling, wheelwright, was selling 300 dozen spokes and a lot of small nave stocks.
Western Times 11 August 1876, p1 col2
'Two wheelwrights made carts and waggons. The brightly painted carts in Knowling's yard at the head of North Street were always a pleasure to see. My father had been apprenticed to Mr Knowling and I now have his indentures. The initials of several of the apprentices of that time can still be seen painted on the wooden frame of the window over the old workshop.'
Prof John Satterley, Ashburton in Late Victorian Days, Transactions of the Devonshire Association, vol 84, Torquay 1952, p36
A kingfisher, described as very rare, was caught in a wheelwright's in Ashburton in November 1870. It was 'a very fine bird'.
The Cornish Telegraph 23 November 1870, p4 col5
John Preston, a wheelwright of Ashburton, contributed £25 bail money for John Sandercock in 1876, after the latter was committed for trial on a charge of assault and attempted rape.
Exeter and Plymouth Gazette and Daily Telegrams, 16 August 1876, p4 col3
Hatch, wheelwright, Ashburton, was selling a market trap and a phaeton in April 1908, and someone of the same name was still selling items until at least 1949.
Western Times 24 April 1908, p4 col6
Western Times 24 March 1949, p2 col7
John Hatch, of Terrace House*, Ashburton, was a 51 year old wheelwright at the time of the 1911 census.
With him and his wife Laura Ann were 3 children, including Harold John Hatch, who was a wheelwright assisting his father. William Knowling, John's father-in-law, who was a retired wheelwright, was also in the household.
1911 census, RG 14, piece no 12727
*Rew Road goes to the right of the building shown at the top of the page. Terrace House is on the opposite side of Rew Road.
During WW1 Harold John Hatch, a 27 year old wheelwright of Ashburton, had been granted exemption from serving in the military until April 1917. A local tribunal had considered his work to be of national importance, as most of it was concerned with agricultural implements. His father, mother and sister were dependent on the business, which would have to close without Harold.
The military appealed against this decision, arguing that there were three other wheelwrights within a four mile radius. The appeal was allowed, but Harold was to be given time to make arrangements for the business - he was not to be called up until February.
Western Morning News 19 December 1916, p8 col3
Susan adds: 'I remember watching Harold Hatch working at his bench surrounded by wood shavings, and the excitement of the process of heating and bending then cooling the metal rims for the cartwheels. I think we would have been a bit older to have gone over to watch, so assume Mr Hatch continued his work for a few years after we moved into Terrace House [1950]. Before the workshop was demolished, Peter Prowse took it over as a garage; after him a man called Aucock and I think the old workshop had been partly then fully demolished to make way for the present flats.
With many thanks to Susan Roberts
Harold John Hatch, who had been born on the 22nd October 1890, died in the September quarter of 1970, in the Newton Abbot district.