Using the material on this site
Ashburton FAQ
All about the money
About me and Contact
Ashburton then and now
Early History
Alan Lambourne's Timeline
Camps and Enclosures
The Domesday Book
1100s and 1200s
Medieval Ashburton
Ashburton Schools
St Lawrence Chapel - The Grammar School
Ashburton County School
Ashburton Secondary School
More Ashburton schools
Going away to school
Greylands and The Wilderness Schools
Mr Naylor's enterprises
Going it alone - the new schools
The pupils
'Upbuilding of character'
The war years
Miss D'O to the present day
The staff
Sources used and acknowledgements
Growing up
Growing up in the 1700s
Growing up in the 1890s
Growing up in the 1920s
Growing up in the 1940s
Growing up in the 1950s
Growing up in the 1960s
Virtual museum early times to 1870s
Virtual museum - 1600s and before
Virtual museum - the 1750s
Virtual museum - the 1770s
Virtual museum - the 1780s
Virtual museum - the 1800s
Virtual museum - the 1820s
Virtual museum - the 1840s
Virtual museum - the 1850s
Virtual museum - the 1860s
Virtual museum - the 1870s
Virtual museum 1880s onwards
Virtual museum - the 1880s
Virtual museum - the 1890s
Virtual museum - the 1900s
Virtual museum - the 1910s
Virtual museum - the 1920s
Virtual museum - the 1930s
Virtual museum - the 1940s
Virtual museum - the 1950s
Virtual museum - the 1960s
Virtual museum - the 1970s
Ashburton in Peril
Crime and Punishment
The Remand Home
Fire Flood and Snow
Health and Disease
Roll of honour WW1 A-F
Roll of honour WW1 G-L
Roll of honour WW1 M-S
Roll of honour WW1 T-Z
Roll of honour WW2
Miscellaneous Dangers - includes The Supernatural
Banks and Businesses
Occupations in the 1600s and 1700s
Occupations 1800s
Names from the London Gazette 1800s
Occupations 1900s
Apothecaries and Pharmacists
Barbers Hairdressers and Wigmakers
Blacksmiths and Whitesmiths
Booksellers Bookbinders Printers and Stationers
Building Contractors
Banks and Businesses 2
Cabinet makers
Clocks and Clockmakers
Cordwainers and Shoemakers
Dartmoor Powder Works
Doctors and Surgeons
Garage Proprietors
Inns and Hotels
Land agents surveyors and auctioneers
Banks and Businesses 3
Quarries and Mines
Saddlers and Harness makers
Tailors and Drapers
Veterinary surgeons
Water Gas and Electricity
Woollen and other mills
42 East Street
6 North Street - The Paper Shop
The Ashburton Building Company
The Co-Operative Society
The Post Office
Churches and Memorials
Churches and Chapels
St Andrew's Church
Ashburton vicars
Simon Carter's research on Robert Lawe
The Wesleyan Chapel
Background to the Tombstone Survey
Crosses and Holy Wells
People and properties
The Recollections of Master Prideaux
People and properties 1600s and before
People and properties - 1700s
People and properties - 1800s
People and properties - 1900s
Some births and baptisms
Some banns and marriages
Some deaths and burials
Missing persons
Some owners and occupiers 1951
People and Properties 2
Register of Electors 1965-1966
Property prices
Terms used in property documents
Druid-House and Estate
Hannaford's Court
Hele House and the Lay family
Holne Park
Terrace House
Waye House
West End Cottage
Yolland Hill
The Museum
Rich and poor
Miscellaneous documents and references to people
Individual families
The Baker family
The Bearns family
The Bennett family
The Berry family
The Bunclark family
The Butler family
The Caunter family
The Cockey family
The Coleman family
The Down and Beer families
The Eales family
The Edgecombe family
Individual Families 2
The Eggbeer family
The Fabyan family
The Ferris family
The Firth family
The Foaden family
The Gill family
The Glanville family
The Gribble family
The Harris and Dent families
The Harvey family
The Hern family
The Horton family
The Hutchings family
Individual Families 3
The Kingwell Kingwill family
The Knott family
The Knowles family
The Lamason family
The Mann family
The Martin Family
The Milton family
The Mogridge family
The Mugridge family
The Palk family
The Perry family
Individual Families 4
The Petherbridge family
The Pomroy family
The Prideaux family
The Rodgman family
The Soper family
The Sparke and Amery families
The Sunter family
The Tucker family
The Varwell family and Place
The Wills and Eales families
Famous Ashburtonians
Remarkable and interesting people
Musicians poets and artists
The Rifle Volunteers
The Rifle Volunteers 1860s
Gathering together
Travelling - The Railway
Historical visitors' book
Days off - and nights out
Join the club -organizations and societies
Markets and fairs
Bread and Ale
Election fever
Local administration
Fauna and Flora
Beyond Ashburton
Ashburton and the East India Company
Slavery Connections
Researching Ashburton
Found in the Ground
Ashburton Bibliography
Unanswered Questions
Old Ashburton
About me and Contact
Ashburton then and now
Early History
Ashburton Schools
Greylands and The Wilderness Schools
Growing up
Virtual museum early times to 1870s
Virtual museum 1880s onwards
Ashburton in Peril
Banks and Businesses
Banks and Businesses 2
Banks and Businesses 3
The Co-Operative Society
The Post Office
Churches and Memorials
People and properties
People and Properties 2
Individual families
Individual Families 2
Individual Families 3
Individual Families 4
Famous Ashburtonians
The Rifle Volunteers
Gathering together
Fauna and Flora
Beyond Ashburton
Ashburton and the East India Company
Slavery Connections
Researching Ashburton
Using the material on this site
Ashburton FAQ
All about the money
Alan Lambourne's Timeline
Camps and Enclosures
The Domesday Book
1100s and 1200s
Medieval Ashburton
St Lawrence Chapel - The Grammar School
Ashburton County School
Ashburton Secondary School
More Ashburton schools
Going away to school
Mr Naylor's enterprises
Going it alone - the new schools
The pupils
'Upbuilding of character'
The war years
Miss D'O to the present day
The staff
Sources used and acknowledgements
Growing up in the 1700s
Growing up in the 1890s
Growing up in the 1920s
Growing up in the 1940s
Growing up in the 1950s
Growing up in the 1960s
Virtual museum - 1600s and before
Virtual museum - the 1750s
Virtual museum - the 1770s
Virtual museum - the 1780s
Virtual museum - the 1800s
Virtual museum - the 1820s
Virtual museum - the 1840s
Virtual museum - the 1850s
Virtual museum - the 1860s
Virtual museum - the 1870s
Virtual museum - the 1880s
Virtual museum - the 1890s
Virtual museum - the 1900s
Virtual museum - the 1910s
Virtual museum - the 1920s
Virtual museum - the 1930s
Virtual museum - the 1940s
Virtual museum - the 1950s
Virtual museum - the 1960s
Virtual museum - the 1970s
Crime and Punishment
The Remand Home
Fire Flood and Snow
Health and Disease
Roll of honour WW1 A-F
Roll of honour WW1 G-L
Roll of honour WW1 M-S
Roll of honour WW1 T-Z
Roll of honour WW2
Miscellaneous Dangers - includes The Supernatural
Occupations in the 1600s and 1700s
Occupations 1800s
Names from the London Gazette 1800s
Occupations 1900s
Apothecaries and Pharmacists
Barbers Hairdressers and Wigmakers
Blacksmiths and Whitesmiths
Booksellers Bookbinders Printers and Stationers
Building Contractors
Cabinet makers
Clocks and Clockmakers
Cordwainers and Shoemakers
Dartmoor Powder Works
Doctors and Surgeons
Garage Proprietors
Inns and Hotels
Land agents surveyors and auctioneers
Quarries and Mines
Saddlers and Harness makers
Tailors and Drapers
Veterinary surgeons
Water Gas and Electricity
Woollen and other mills
42 East Street
6 North Street - The Paper Shop
The Ashburton Building Company
Churches and Chapels
St Andrew's Church
Ashburton vicars
Simon Carter's research on Robert Lawe
The Wesleyan Chapel
Background to the Tombstone Survey
Crosses and Holy Wells
The Recollections of Master Prideaux
People and properties 1600s and before
People and properties - 1700s
People and properties - 1800s
People and properties - 1900s
Some births and baptisms
Some banns and marriages
Some deaths and burials
Missing persons
Some owners and occupiers 1951
Register of Electors 1965-1966
Property prices
Terms used in property documents
Druid-House and Estate
Hannaford's Court
Hele House and the Lay family
Holne Park
Terrace House
Waye House
West End Cottage
Yolland Hill
The Museum
Rich and poor
Miscellaneous documents and references to people
The Baker family
The Bearns family
The Bennett family
The Berry family
The Bunclark family
The Butler family
The Caunter family
The Cockey family
The Coleman family
The Down and Beer families
The Eales family
The Edgecombe family
The Eggbeer family
The Fabyan family
The Ferris family
The Firth family
The Foaden family
The Gill family
The Glanville family
The Gribble family
The Harris and Dent families
The Harvey family
The Hern family
The Horton family
The Hutchings family
The Kingwell Kingwill family
The Knott family
The Knowles family
The Lamason family
The Mann family
The Martin Family
The Milton family
The Mogridge family
The Mugridge family
The Palk family
The Perry family
The Petherbridge family
The Pomroy family
The Prideaux family
The Rodgman family
The Soper family
The Sparke and Amery families
The Sunter family
The Tucker family
The Varwell family and Place
The Wills and Eales families
Remarkable and interesting people
Musicians poets and artists
The Rifle Volunteers 1860s
Travelling - The Railway
Historical visitors' book
Days off - and nights out
Join the club -organizations and societies
Markets and fairs
Bread and Ale
Election fever
Local administration
Found in the Ground
Ashburton Bibliography
Unanswered Questions
Individual Families is now split into 2 sections, as the sub-menu is too long to fit under one heading