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'This indenture made the 20th day of August one thousand eight hundred and twenty five between John Gifford Croker of Boveytracey in the county of Devon surgeon of the one part and Peter Fabyan Sparke of

From my own collection
Lydia Pope's property

Above and above right: An indenture dated the 5th July 1828...'Between Lydia Pope of Ashburton in the County of Devon, administratrix of the estate and the effects of William Pope late of Ashburton aforesaid, deceased, of the one part and John French of Dolbeare within the parish of Ashburton aforesaid, yeoman of the other part. Whereas in and by certain indenture or demise dated the 28th day of July one thousand eight hundred and twenty seven made between the Right Honourable Robert Cotton Saint John Baron Clinton of the one part and the said William Pope of the other is witnessed that for the valuable consideration as therein mentioned the said Lord Clinton did grant bargain sell and demise to the said William Pope....the premises hereinafter hold the same unto the said William Pope his executors administrators and assigns for the term of one thousand years subject nevertheless to the payment of the annual Borough rent of ten pence and the yearly rent of one shilling to the said Lord Clinton.....Whereas the said William Pope died on or about the first day of May one thousand eight hundred and twenty eight intestate and letters of administration to his estate and effects were granted by the Court of the Dean and Chapter of Exeter on or about the twenty first day of June one thousand eight hundred and twenty eight to the said Lydia Pope his widow and whereas it has been found necessary in order to discharge the debts of the said William Pope deceased to sell and dispose of (inter alia) the premises hereinafter mentioned and whereas at a public auction holden for the sale of the field hereinafter mentioned and other property the said John French was the best bidder and became the purchaser thereof at the sum of ninety two pounds...She the said Lydia Pope hath bargained sold and assigned...unto the said John French...all that field or close of land hereditaments and premises....called or commonly known by the name of Little Headborough...containing by estimation three roods* or thereabouts, the same more or less in the occupation of Samuel King as tenant thereof...
* A rood is approximately a quarter of an acre
From my own collection
William Pope married Lydia Smerdon on the 17th August 1824 at Ashburton.
In the 1851 census she is a widow living at Belford Mills with her son William Henry Pope, a miller.
On March 24th 1874 Mrs. Lydia Pope died, aged 77. She was the only surviving daughter of the late Thomas Smerdon.
Western Times 2 April 1874 p5 col4
Conveyance in fee of lands in the parish of Ashburton, Devon

Whereas the said Molly Berry departed this life on or about the [blank] day of [blank] one thousand eight hundred and thirty and whereas the said Charles Brooke departed this life on or about the twenty second day of May one thousand eight hundred and thirty three whereby the said Charles Webb and John Webb became soley seised of the said hereditaments and premises and whereas the said William Fabyan Windeatt and Frances Windeatt have contracted and agreed...for the absolute purchase of the said fields or parcels of land...for the price or sum or eight hundred and eighty pounds...
In the 1841 census they are living at Druid, and John describes himself as a sergemaker. They have a one year old son, Peter.
1841 census HO107 piece no 253, folio 6 p6
Miss Halse's house

Above: Conditions for sale of Miss Halse's House
From my own collection
See for the will of Mrs Joanna Adams. Roger Halse is described as a cousin.
Left: 'Mem of terms for selling a freehold dwelling house in West Street, Ashburton, Devon, the property of Miss Elizabeth Halse of Devonport, described as No. 3 in the will of late Mrs Joanna Adams.
The property is freehold and being held by the vendor under the will duly proved of her late father Mr Roger Halse, who died January 4th 1848, to whom it was devised by the will of Mrs Joanna Adams, whose will was duly proved on 23rd July 1840, the title shall commence with the said will of Mrs Adams aforesaid, and the purchaser shall not require any earlier title nor abstract of title from the vendor, nor any other deeds documents wills or muniments than (?) are in vendor's possession.
If any abstract be required, or attested or other copy of any deed of conveyance, will or other deed or document it is to be at the expence of the purchaser - Ashburton April 5th, 1872
Mem I agree with Messrs Whiteway & Foot to become the purchaser of the house and appurtenances before mentioned for the sum of one hundred and fifty five pounds, according to the above terms and conditions - I am to pay a deposit of five pounds and the balance at Midsummer next, when the purchase is to be completed, or if desired by me the completion of the purchase may be delayed until Michaelmas next, and in that case I am to pay interest on the £150 due at the rate of six pounds per cent per annum from Midsummer. George W
Ashburton May 21st 1872
Deposit paid same time W & F
Mentions of Ashburton people in various sources.
Edward Stentiford emigrated from Ashburton in 1830. He settled in St. Andrews and was 'engaged in the carriage trade.'
Planters, paupers and pioneers: English settlers in Atlantic Canada, Lucille H. Campey, 2010, p128
Mr and Mrs Hatch's notes on the cross at 14 St Lawrence Lane have now moved to Crosses and Holy Wells, a sub-menu of Churches and Memorials.