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                                        The Ashburton Rabbit Pie

Below - recipe for Rabbit Pie from Mrs Beeton's Household Management, 1907 edition. This book, freely available from was first published between 1859 and 1861

In the summer of 1865 Charles Gordon Sprague, a surgeon, was brought to trial, accused of attempting to poison his wife, in-laws and their servant at Ashburton. His alleged weapon of choice - a rabbit pie. It excited regional newspapers far and wide: I have seen accounts of it in Welsh, and it had extensive coverage in The Times.

You can read a good account of the trial on the Legendary Dartmoor website – and go there now if you don't want me to spoil the ending for you. Here are a few extra details about the participants in the drama.

Sarah Cousins Chalker was baptised on 12th May 1826, Ashburton, the daughter of James Chalker and his wife Sarah ( Sarah's middle name is spelt Cosens elsewhere.

The 1861 census for Ashburton shows James Chalker, an ironmonger, living with his wife Sarah and their family in North Street. They have an unmarried daughter, Sarah C – she is 35 years old, and is described as a 'Fundholder'. (

The same census for Yorkshire shows 21 year old Charles Gordon Sprague as a Member of Royal College of Surgeons, living at Pateley Bridge. He was born in North Jafferham, Rutland, and is an assistant to Edward Warburton, a General Practitioner.

1861 census RG 9; Piece: 3193; Folio: 7; p8

It is worth reflecting here that for women in the 1800s society's main, if not only goal was for them to be married. As a fundholder, Sarah C perhaps had sufficient means of supporting herself - nevertheless James would have been an unusual Victorian father had he not wished for some eligible bachelor to come along.

If this indeed was his wish, two years later he must have thought that it was granted.
In February 1863 a marriage was announced at Ashburton of Charles Gordon Sprague, member of the Royal College of Surgeons, and Sarah Cosens Chalker, the only daughter of James Chalker. Charles is described as being the eldest son of C Sprague Esq., surgeon, of Kimbolton, and the grandson of Dr Sprague, formerly of Long Ashton.
(Bristol Mercury 21 Feb 1863, p8 col 5)

The Rev W Mills officiated. (The Exeter and Plymouth Gazette of February 6th - p5 col 3 - has the Reverend as The Rev Walter Mills. He is not listed as a vicar in the Guide to St Andrew's Church - Crockford's Clerical Directory of 1868 has him formerly as a curate of Buckland-in-the-moor, Devon)

Later, in 1865, Charles is described as a young man of 24, but he was probably born in the June Quarter of 1839, in Uppingham registration district ( – making him about 26, and 24 when he married his 37 year old bride.

A year after their marriage a Charles Gordon Sprague (presumably the same one) was admitted to the Camberwell H asylum in Surrey on March 7th 1864. He was discharged on April 4th, but readmitted on the 5th, and again on June 17th.

UK Lunacy Patients Admission Registers 1846-1912

The new Mrs Sprague had returned to her parents, but Charles then came to stay, and it is then that the family, including their servant Mary Jane Pidgeon, became exceedingly ill. The cause was established as a rabbit pie, and there were suspicious circumstances.

In 1865, at the petty sessions held at the London Inn, Charles Sprague appeared on a charge of poisoning. He was brought before J S Amery* and H B T Wrey (the last-named is spelled differently in different reports) Mr Tucker (of Tucker and Sons, solicitors) appeared for the prosecution** (Western Daily Press 27th July 1865 p 2 col 6)

*John Sparke Amery (snr) magistrate and landed proprietor

** Either Robert Tucker snr or Robert C Tucker, his son. (

Mr Caunter was clerk to the magistrates

(Cheshire Observer 29 July 1865 p4 col 5)

Mary Jane Pidgeon, the servant who was both a victim, and a witness in the case, was the daughter of John Pidgeon, who in 1861 had been living with his wife and family at the Golden Lion Tap in East Street.

Dr Gervis (sometimes spelled Jervis or Jarvis), another witness, was Walter S Gervis, living in West St in 1861. There is a memorial stone to Walter Soper Gervis M.D. in St Andrew's churchyard.


The trial moved to Exeter Assize, where Sprague was acquitted. However, there is a postscript to the story - in August Mr Sprague was once more in the papers. He had been arrested again - this time accused of raping a servant, presumably in his new lodgings.

In September the Grand Jury threw out the case, and directed that he be immediately discharged from custody (Reynolds's Newspaper, 27 August 1865 p 6 col 5 and London Standard, 20th September 1865 p7 col 3)

A local newspaper wryly commented: “Fate seems to lay heavy upon Mr Sprague, although he has had the good fortune to escape legal consequences”

(Exeter Flying Post 27 Sept 1865 p7 col 6)

The Pharmaceutical Journal was interested in the case. It quotes a letter to the Times from a Dr Ogle, 'That the Chalker family were poisoned by belladonna is beyond all doubt. That this poison was contained in the rabbit is also a moral certainty. But is it necessary to suppose that it was put there by any human being? Both prosecution and defence seem to have taken this for granted. Neither seem to have known that although belladonna is a virulent poison to most animals, yet that rabbits eat it, and other poisonous plants of the same family, with perfect impunity.'
Dr McGill replied, 'It seems very strange that of the thousands of belladonna-eating rabbits annually sold and consumed in England, this solitary rabbit should be the only one ever having produced such symptoms.'
Pharmaceutical Journal and Transactions, vol VII, 1865-66, London 1866, pp127,128

In 1881 Sarah C Sprague was living in East Street, and described herself as a widow – she is living in the house of her widowed mother, Sarah (their servant is another member of the Pidgeon family – Mary E). Sarah C gives her occupation as 'Ladys school (S M )' (I only hope that she did not write this on the census herself)(

James Chalker died 14 August 1869, aged 74. He was described as an ironmonger from North Street.

Exeter and Plymouth Gazette 20 August 1869 p5 col6

Charles Sprague committed suicide in Liverpool in 1870, aged 31. According to the Sheffield and Rotherham Independent, he had contracted pyaemia* some time previously whilst conducting a post mortem, and this had affected his mind. Disappointed at not being appointed as a surgeon on board a ship, he went to stay at the premises of publican Joseph Bryant in James Street. During the night he apparently jumped from a window, and died from his injuries within hours. The verdict of the jury was 'suicide during temporary insanity.'

The Daily Courier added the details that Charles' father, a surgeon practising in Kimbolton, Huntingdonshire, had visited him about three weeks beforehand.

*Blood poisoning.

Sheffield and Rotherham Independent  4 October 1870 p6 col4

The Daily Courier 3 October 1870 p5 col7

Many thanks to Lena Andrews for providing this information.

Sarah Sprague died in the March Quarter of 1890, in the Newton Abbot registration district.



                                                                 A Horrible Murder
Twenty years earlier, in 1843, 
a 'horrible murder' took place in Ashburton, and a 'thrlll of horror' went through the 30 or so people who had been led to the scene near the Broadhempston/Denbury road. A boy picking ferns in a field found the body of a small woman lying in a hedge drain - when examined by Dr. Hele, she was found to have severe head injuries. A man named Harding identified her as Rebecca Tooley from Totnes, who had been at the fair on the 10th August, selling nuts. The body was taken on a hurdle to the Old Bottle Inn in Lawrence's Lane, where more injuries were discovered. She was aged about 32.
In the absence of the coroner, John Caunter, magistrate, opened the enquiry at the London Inn, and on Saturday Joseph Gribble opened the inquest.
Four females from Totnes, including Jane Avent (aka Long Tom) were questioned and at one stage held in custody, together with a man named Edgecumb. When the inquest jury came to a verdict is was that there had been 'Wilful murder' by person or persons unknown. £25 was raised by public subscription as a reward for the conviction of the perpetrator.
The following Monday evening the body was interred in the churchyard after a private service read by the Rev. W. Marsh. The body was taken by a back route from Lawrence's Lane because of concern that the main streets would be crowded. On Wednesday the body was disinterred to remove a shawl and other items of clothing, and onlookers were kept at the gates.
By the 26th August all those held in custody had been released, and the reward was raised to £50, with a free pardon for anyone connected to the murder but who did not actually commit it, if they gave information which led to an arrest.

North Devon Journal 17 August 1843 p3 col4
Western Times 19 August 1843 p3 col3
Western Times 26 August 1843 p3 col5

At least two further people were questioned about the murder, but it was not until October that a breakthrough seemed to have been made. Constable Hele brought down two people from Exeter, and they were questioned by Sir W H Tonkin and J Caunter at the London Inn. Mrs Lukey, of the Red Lion, stated that she knew the prisoner Edward Webb, aka Deaf Ned, and had seen him in the Red Lion on fair day, August 10th. Deaf Ned had bought cider and a pipe, and had paid for a bed that night at the inn, but when he arrived back at the inn that evening, accompanied by a woman, he said that he was not staying after all. He had seemed, said the witness, very excited.
At this point a pipe was produced that had been found in the field near the body, and was shown to be very similar to the pipes sold at the Red Lion and nowhere else in the town. Several people were then questioned, including the Totnes women previously held in custody, but no-one had seen him with Rebecca Tooley, the victim. The magistrates had to release Deaf Ned and the woman with him, 'his accomplice.'
Suspicion continued to dog Edward Webb, and in December he and his companion, Charlotte Williams, were examined once more at the Castle of Exeter. They were then remanded in custody in the county gaol, and were to be tried at the next assizes.
Exeter Flying Post 19 October 1843 p3 col6
North Devon Journal 21 December 1843 p3 col3

In March 1844, as Deaf Ned's trial had just begun, a small paragraph in the Exeter and Plymouth Gazette stated that a man passing through Paignton had confessed to the murder of Rebecca Tooley. He was put into gaol to await trial, but next turns up at Ned's trial giving evidence. Nathaniel Macleod, a man of 'most forbidding aspect', had by this time retracted his confession, and stated that he heard Ned saying ' "the bloody w____ lies quiet on her back" (sensation)'. After careful questioning by the judge, Macleod was remanded in custody, and the jury found Deaf Ned not guilty.
Exeter and Plymouth Gazette 23 March 1844 p3 col3
Western Times 30 March 1844 p3 col4

Whether Macleod, or anyone else, was ever convicted of Rebecca's murder I do not know. But Charlotte Clarke alias Williams turned up before the Exeter mayor in 1850, when she was still remembered as the companion of Deaf Ned who had been tried for the Ashburton murder. John Connett accused her of picking his pocket in a back street in Exeter, and she was committed for trial. Mr. Connett was strongly reprimanded, however, for the circumstances in which the offence took place - the assignation had been 'highly improper'.
Exeter and Plymouth Gazette 18 May 1850 p7 col5

*                                                 ********                                                          *

*                      The various activities of Mr Wadge and Mr Wadge                    *

In Linkinhorne, Cornwall, in the middle of the 1800s, auctioneer Edward Wadge and his wife Ethilia decided to give all their children names beginning with 'E'. By the time of the 1851 census the couple had produced: Edwin H and Emma H, 15 and 14; Erwin H and Edmund A, 12 and 6; and Edward P, not yet 1.
1851 census HO107, piece no. 1901, folio 303, p24

The two members of the family who later arrived in Ashburton were Edwin Harvey Wadge, baptised in Linkinhorne in 1836, the son of Edward and Ethillia, and Erwin Harvey Wadge*, whose birth was registered in 1839.
Cornwall baptism transcripts
Liskeard district, March quarter 1839, vol 9, p169

*Ann Wadge, who has been researching the Wadge family for 30 years, says that Erwin's association with Ashburton was brief - possibly 'a temporary refuge whilst he was hiding!' Many thanks to her for her comments and help with this section.

At a meeting of the West Ashburton mine in October 1860, the accounts of Messrs Wadge and Gillard, 'the late pursers' were passed. The current accounts showed a debit of £11 7s 1d and a call of 2s a share was made.
Royal Cornwall Gazette 2 November 1860 p7 col3

In December 1860 a proposal was put forward for the advancement and spiritual character of miners and other working men. The idea was that an association be formed, for mental improvement and wholesome leisure activities. Rooms could perhaps be provided with maps and pictures; there could be lectures, and games such as draughts, chess and dominoes. There were hopes for lectures, and a library. A Mr Wadge 'earnestly entreated' the Ashburton United Mines and the men who worked there to support the scheme. 'The suggestion was heartedly complied with.'
Western Times 1 December 1860 p7 col3

Edwin Harvey Wadge married Mary Ann Harriet Mortimore in the Independent Chapel in March 1861. He was described in the Western Times as 'clerk to the Ashburton United Mines'.

At the census taken shortly after their marriage the pair were living with Mary Ann's parents, Edward Mortimore, a seedsman, and his wife, also called Mary Ann. Edwin Wadge's birthplace is given as Linkinhorne, Cornwall; he was 25.
Western Times 23 March 1861 p5 col5

That same April a case was heard at Exeter County Court where William Richards, captain of the West Ashburton Mine, was claiming £10 10s wages from Charles Wescomb, as one of the shareholders. The defence was that Mr Wescomb was merely acting as an agent, and was not therefore liable.

The mine, originally called the East Hazel mine, was started in 1859 and eventually had four shareholders, of whom Mr Erwin H Wadge, brother to Edwin, was one. By the time of the court case Erwin was articled to a solicitor in Teignmouth, but had previously been living in Ashburton. Within a year Mr Wadge had transferred all his shares to a new shareholder and resigned from the partnership, but when the new shareholder had the books examined, Mr Wadge was called upon to correct errors and omissions before a meeting to be held in July 1860. Instead Mr Wadge, his brother Edwin and others seized the books and carried them off. The case was adjourned.
Exeter and Plymouth Gazette 12 April 1861 p10 col3

The Western Times was forthright in its analysis, heading one report 'The mine rigging case'. It stated that 'fine copper lodes' had allegedly been indicated (the judge caused laughter by asking whether it was copper lodes or loads of copper) and the paper said that 'gross swindling may be perpetrated under the form of mine speculations.' People who tried to get rich quickly might keep their innocence, the Times said, but not their money.
Western Times 13 April 1861 p5 col3 and p9 col3

Erwin's career in mining was not over. In 1866 a presentation banquet was held at the Albion, Aldersgate Street, London, when the committee of the Wadge Testimonial Fund 'presented to Mr Erwin Harvey Wadge FGS, on behalf of the subscribers, a piece of plate value 300 guineas, and a marble bust, executed by Mr Neville Burnard, the eminent Cornish sculptor, in recognition of the "magnificent services rendered by him to the cause of metallic mining enterprise throughout the United Kingdom, but more especially in the colonies and abroad." '
Wadge Testimonial Fund, Manchester, 1866, p7

In 1873 at the Manchester Assizes he was sentenced to 5 years penal servitude for fraud concerning a lead mine in Cornwall. By 1882 he (or his brother) was being charged with fraud and conspiracy in connection with the Cornwall Great Consols Mining Company.
Edinburgh Evening News 10 December 1873, p2 col3
Derby Daily Telegraph 26 July 1882 p2 col6

In 1863 Edwin H Wadge is advertising in the Exeter and Plymouth Gazette as an auctioneer, appraiser, surveyor and general accountant, operating from West Street. He can deal with wills, letters of administration and inventories, and can advance money on securities. His father, the advertisement says, has had 30 years experience in these fields.

Edwin's father may indeed have had 30 years experience, but he had gone bankrupt in 1855 - Edward Wadge, auctioneer and mine agent, of Westcott Cottage, Linkinhorne, had mortgaged property of approximately £800 and other debts of over £500 at the time.
Exeter and Plymouth Gazette 20 February 1863 p8 col5

Royal Cornwall Gazette 26 October 1855 p8 col4
Edwin's brother Erwin gets married in the Kensington registration district in the June quarter of this year - to Julia Stephens.

In December of the same year 29 year old Edwin Harvey Wadge, auctioneer, is a resident of Callington, Cornwall, when he joins the Loyal Victoria Lodge.
United Grand Lodge of England, Register of contributions, folio 215.

An advertisement from Callington, published in the Conrish Times in December 1863, says that Mr Wadge is about to auction various items from a shop in North Street, Ashburton. They include 40 gold and silver patent lever and Geneva watches, 30 hall, office and kitchen clocks, and 'a great variety of valuable jewellery'.
Cornish Times 12 December 1863, p1 col2

The 1871 census shows Edwin and his wife in North Street, with Edwin's occupation as seedsman. They have three children, and the eldest, 8 year old Amy, was born in Callington, Cornwall.
1871 census RG10, piece no. 2080, folio 54, p20

By 1873 Edwin Harvey Wadge is in Bodmin Gaol, working the treadwheel. A land surveyor, he is 37 and married. The criminal register shows that he is serving 4 months for larceny.
Cornwall, England, Bodmin Gaol Records, 1821-1899, Ancestry online database.
England and Wales criminal registers, class HO 27, piece 164
, p83

At some stage during the same year Erwin Harvey Ware alias Erwin Harvey Wadge, is serving 5 years in Lancashire for obtaining money by false pretences and conspiracy to defraud.
England and Wales criminal registers, class HO 27, piece 165
, p104

A trial in Plymouth in 1876 saw Edwin Harvey Wadge, aged 40, convicted of obtaining money by false pretences. Described as a coal and seed merchant, he had told auctioneer Mr Jackson that he had a cargo of coal in a harbour for sale. There was no coal - Wadge had forged the required documentation. Not only that, he had also forged the name of Thomas Pearse, of Ashburton, on a cheque drawn on Watts and Whidborne's Bank. He was sentenced to 15 months imprisonment, with the Recorder suggesting that he now be proceeded against for forgery.

The Tiverton Gazette added the information that during the trial it was revealed that Edwin had stolen a coat 'some years since' and had been convicted at the Bodmin assizes.
Exeter and Plymouth Gazette, 13 April 1876 p5 col6
The Tiverton Gazette 18 April 1876 p3 col4

In 1878 Mr E H Wadge* gave a talk on Temperance at the Market Hall. He 'dwelt at some length on the evils of drunkenness.'
Western Times 17 September 1878 p8 col6
*Presumably Edwin

White's Directory of Devon for 1878 shows Edwin Harvey Wadge at Tudor Buildings, North St., selling statuary, and as a coal merchant operating from Fowler's Square, Buckfastleigh.
White's History, Gazetteer and Directory of Devon, 1878, p110

In 1879 an Edwin 'Arthur' Wadge was apprehended by Mr H Press of the CID, Great Scotland Yard; the charge was of obtaining goods by false pretences. Wadge had a marble mason's and tombstone shop in Ashburton, but had recently been touring Devon and Dorset, lecturing on temperance and holding auction sales. During this time he had persuaded a Mr Rippin to supply goods to a fictitious purchaser - Wadge signed for the goods using the alias, but never paid for them. Wadge had previously been twice convicted of larceny - the trial was set to be heard at the Old Bailey in Essex.

The Chelmsford Chronicle added that the prisoner had only lately come out of prison.

The criminal register for Essex for 1879 shows Edwin Harvey Wadge serving 5 years for obtaining goods by false pretences.
North Devon Journal 5 June 1879 p2 col3
Chelmsford Chronicle 6 June 1879 p6 col4
England and Wales criminal registers,
class HO 27, piece 182, p196

Mary Ann Wadge, (Edwin's wife) with her children Henry and Jenie, are with Mary's parents on the night of the 1881 census. Her occupation is Assistant Housekeeper.

Meanwhile Edwin H Wadge is an inmate at H M Convict Prison, Brixton Rise, Lambeth. The census has him slightly older than his actual age, but his occupation is recorded as a stonemason. Married, he was born in Linkinhorne.
1881 census RG11, piece no. 2161, folio 57, p29
1881 census RG11, piece no. 625, folio 112, p7

Edwin, or more likely Erwin* is in trouble in 1883: the Royal Cornwall Gazette has his name as Edward Harvey Wadge, some papers have Edwin and some have Erwin(e). Charged at Bow Street with fraudulently issuing a bill of exchange, he had been extradited from New York to face the charge. The prisoner apparently went under the aliases of Captain Archer and Major Templer - as one of Erwin's children was baptised Erwin Adolph Archer Wadge** this might suggest that Erwin was the miscreant; in addition, unless he was released early, Edwin should still have been in prison. The case was adjourned.

The Daily Gazette for Middlesbrough said that Wadge had been convicted of forgery some time ago, and had been sentenced to 5 years, after which he set up as a mining operator called Captain Archer. Under the name of Bishop, Earle and Co. he set up the Cornwall Great Consols Mine at Callington, with a capital of £20,000. The company promised huge returns but provided none, and when shareholders became suspicious the whole enterprise was revealed as a fraud. Wadge was arrested in India and brought back to Bristol: although bail was initially refused, eventually it was granted. At the trial, 'on Wadge being called no Wadge appeared'.
Royal Cornwall Gazette 15 June 1883 p5 col5

* Ann Wadge says this was definitely Erwin, and adds that the name Archer came about because of Erwin's association with a landowning family.

** Baptised in August 1864 in Dublin, Ireland, with parents Erwin Harvey Wadge and Julia Stephens.
Select Births and Baptisms, 1620-1911, online data base from
The Daily Gazette for Middlesbrough 13 March 1883 p3 col2

1885 Mr Wadge was selling a quantity of drapery and jewellery at his Tudor sales rooms in North Street.
Totnes Weekly Times 14 February p4 col6

Mary Ann H Wadge, aged 54, died in the Newton Abbot district in 1886.

Edwin seems to have remarried in Liskeard in 1890, to an Isabella Cundy. At the end of the year the Royal Cornwall Gazette published a notice of bankruptcy on the estate of Edwin Harvey Wadge, of no occupation, and Isabella Wadge, farmer, both of Trefrys, Linkinhorne.
Royal Cornwall Gazette 25 December 1890 p7 col3

Isabella died in 1891, and Edwin possibly married again in Llandilofawr the same year and maybe even in Plympton, as Edwin Harvey A Wadge, in 1904.

Ann Wadge confirms this to be correct - there were complications with the Welsh marriage because the woman already had a living husband...

An Edwin Harvey A Wadge, died in the Plymouth registration district in 1909, aged 73.

 *                                                 *******                                                 *

In 1765 there was a presentment (formal notification) at the Easter Quarter Sessions concerning William Butchers of Ashburton, a mason and petty constable of Teignbridge Hundred, and Stephen Frist of Ashburton, labourer, for allowing Solomon Weeks of Ashburton, labourer, to escape from their custody.
Devon Heritage Centre ref QS/4/1765/Easter/NO/2

1831 Ashburton did not respond well to the appointment of two Special Constables to the area - Capt Pellew and Mr Chichester. In fact, general opinion at a meeting was that Constables were unnecessary, and the townsfolk would not submit to their authority. This was in spite of Capt Pellew's anger, and a long speech from Mr Chichester.
Western Times 22 January 1831 p2 col2

But in 1847 the Exeter and Plymouth Gazette said that it was 'high time' that a police force was organized in the area. The incident that led to this demand was the stealing of two horses from Mr Joseph Skinner's field at Caton.
Exeter and Plymouth Gazette 6 November 1847 p8 col4

In February 1849 a resolution was passed at a vestry meeting that a police force be established at a cost of £80 a year. Landowners and ratepayers met in March to discuss the resolution - R Hext, of Hele Farm, said that police were unnecessary, and proposed a motion that the vestry decision be rescinded. Mr W Mann, of Goodstone Farm, seconded, and the motion was carried virtually unanimously. The Western Times commented, 'Taxes already fall heavily on the tradesmen, and the industrious classes.'
The Western Times 10 March 1849, p7 col3

Sheep were being stolen in the Ashburton district in 1851, and the constables were disinclined to look for the culprits as they received no reward. The previous year a man named French had stolen 15 sheep and a horse, and had been transported for 10 years as a result, but the constables, Mann and Brown, were out of pocket by ten shillings as a result.
North Devon Journal 30 October 1851 p5 col4

 *                                                   ***                                                      *

Forensic techniques were used in 1852, when John Cornish was charged with stealing a sheep from John Sparke Amery Esq. A sheep went missing from Brim Park, and entrails were found near a gap in the hedge. A man's footmarks were found in the gap, and these footmarks indicated that the footwear had nails. In addition there were the footmarks of a dog, and the impression of a man's knee - it appeared that the person had been wearing corded trousers.
Cornish's boots did not appear to have made the marks, but when Thomas Hex, the constable, searched his house he found another pair of boots hidden in the back-house, and these were a match. Cornish's trousers also corresponded with the knee mark found at the field. The constable also found several pieces of mutton under a floor, and one piece behind a rabbit hutch. A sheepdog was in the house.
Cornish was found guilty by the magistrates, and sentenced to twelve months' imprisonment.
North Devon Journal, 16 September 1852, p2 col1

 *                                                 ***                                                        *

1853. The Western Times stated that there was no lock-up in Ashburton - prisoners had to be kept in a lock-up at a public house.
Western Times 3 December 1853 p6 col3

In 1856 a police officer, described as very efficient,  was appointed at Ashburton - 'and not before one was wanted'

The same article announced the appointment of H B T Wrey, of Holne Park, as a Justice of the Peace. This led to the hope of monthly court sessions in the town - up until that point people had had to travel to Newton Abbot.
Exeter Flying Post 26 June 1856 p8 col3

In 1861 Mr Henry Eddy drew up plans for new Police offices and a lock-up house between North Street and Cad Lane. The site was, according to the Exeter and Plymouth Gazette, adjoining what had been known as The Mermaid Inn, where Oliver Cromwell's officers stopped.
Exeter and Plymouth Gazette 5 April 1861 p7 col2

Devon Heritage Centre has deeds for some properties in North Street and Cad Lane, including the old Police Station.
Devon Heritage Centre, Ref 6290M, quoted on - Accessed 25-01-2017

1869. Certain people were 'making havoc' with a field of turnips belonging to Mr Edwin Tucker. He asked the police if they could keep an eye on the field, and as a result Sergeant Newbury discovered Mary Hext, an elderly woman, and her son John helping themselves. They were charged with stealing 14 turnips and 75 tops. Both defendants said that they were too ill to attend the Petty Sessions, but P S Newbury stated that he had seen the boy running about the streets on the previous evening. Both Mary and John were fined 5s 6d plus 7s costs - they would have seven days hard labour if they defaulted.
Exeter and Plymouth Gazette 25 March 1869, p7 col3

2 boys, Thomas Eggbear and Arthur Paul, were each ordered to pay 5s 6d for playing football in West Street in March 1870. P S Newbury proved the case.
Exeter and Plymouth Gazette 29 April 1870, p7 col5

See Inns and Hotels, under Banks and Businesses, for when P S Newbury 
charged William Stevens, landlord of the Red Lion Inn, with allowing Elizabeth Blake, 'a person of notoriously bad character' to assemble with various other people on the premises.

Samuel Newbury was the Police Sergeant at Ashburton in 1871. Aged 45, he had been born in Shobrooke, Devon. With him on census night was his wife, Maria, and five children - the three youngest, Florence E., 3,  Clara A., 2, and Edith W., not yet one, had all been born in Ashburton.
1871 census RG10, piece no. 8020, folio 40 p31

On his retirement in 1872 Samuel was presented with a clock 'As a slight testimony of the esteem in which he has been held by the inhabitants of Ashburton during a residence amongst them of more than 5 years'. The presentation took place at the Rose and Crown.
Western Times 5 April 1872, p7 col 2
See the 1870s section of the Virtual Museum for a picture of the clock, courtesy of Nicholas Newbury Alderson

The 1891 census shows Abraham Nott as the Police Sergeant in Cad Lane

In 1893 Ex-Police Sergeant Nott was presented with a purse in recognition of 16 years service.
Exeter Flying Post 16 September 1893 p7 col1

The Old Police Station, Stapledon Lane (formerly Cad Lane)

In 1892 Lord Clinton said that he would sell a site for the new Police Station - the site was 80 feet by 70 feet, and he was prepared to sell it for £70. Presumably this is the site that was eventually used in Station Road.
Two years later tenders were being invited from builders for the work.
Western Times 29 July 1892 p5 col6
Exeter and Plymouth Gazette 14 September 1894 p3 col7
Above: Station Road (St Lawrence Lane) with the steps of the Chapel of St Lawrence in the foreground on the left hand side.
With many thanks to pellethepoet/Flickr

Above: The Police Station pre WW1
From my own collection

Below: 19 and 21 St Lawrence Lane - formerly the Police Station.
My own photograph c2013
Ironically an Exeter man, Thomas Harvey, whilst employed on the building of the station, did not send any of his 19s wages home to his wife. He was charged with neglecting his four children.
Exeter Flying Post 27 July 1895 p8 col3


In 1902 the Police Station was in Station Road ( St Lawrence Lane). William Prew was sergeant, and there was one constable.
Kelly's Directory of Devon and Cornwall 1902 p31

                                                      The death of Priscilla Small
Two deaths.

In January 1910 there was the usual excitement in Ashburton after the parliamentary elections. But excitement turned to shock when two people died on Sunday 16th, in unrelated incidents. The first concerned Joseph Skinner, aged about 60, who was found just before daybreak in the river at the top of North Street. He had last been seen outside the Post Office and the Constitutional Club, amongst the crowd waiting for the results.
It seems likely that this was the same Joseph Skinner who was 52 in the 1901 census, a woodman living at North Mill, close to Great Bridge. At the time of the census he and his wife Elizabeth had five children living with them.
1901 census
RG13, Piece 2053, Folio 30,p 25

More news was to come. At 10am a boy named White reported that the body of a woman was lying in a field near Place. All her clothes had been taken*, but there was a pedlar's basket by her side, and she was identified as Priscilla Small, the wife of James Small, a gipsy.
Exeter and Plymouth Gazette 17 January 1910 p4 col7
*Later reports say that Priscilla was wearing her chemise, stockings and boots.

The inquest.
The inquest was held on Monday. The place of death was now stated to be near Rock Park Cross, and the name of Priscilla's husband Noah. Noah said that he and his wife, who was aged 45, were living in a van on Ramshorn Down, and had come into Ashburton on Saturday to do some hawking. During the day they drank at several public houses, finally making their way up North Street at about 6.30pm. Priscilla was fairly drunk, and after a while she told Noah to go on ahead, and she would catch up with him. He got as far as Rew and then went back to look for her, but could not find her. He then went into the Bay Horse until 11pm. He then returned to Ramshorn Down via Bickington. Noah said his wife would often stay away for weeks; nevertheless he went to look for her on Sunday morning, taking his brother with him. When they got near to the Lime Kilns they asked a boy if he had seen her, and the boy said that there was a basket just inside a gateway. When he saw the body he went to fetch the police.

The medical evidence.
Dr. Fitzpatrick was called to the scene, and stated that the deceased had been dead for some hours. He conducted a post-mortem examination at the mortuary. There were various wounds, which included a swelling above her temple consistent with being kicked by a boot. A large clot of blood was found inside her skull.

The inquest was adjourned, and on Wednesday Noah Small was charged with the murder of Priscilla, and was remanded at Exeter Gaol.
Western Times 21 January 1910 p3 col6

When the inquest resumed, Dr. Wilson confirmed that Priscilla had died from a blow to the head, but he suggested that a smooth object, such as a broom, was probably used. She had defensive injuries on her arms.
Questioned by a juror, he did not think that the injury to her head could have been caused whilst running, or after turning a somersault.

The witnesses.
Bessie Elford.The landlady of the Bay Horse, Bessie Elford, said that both Noah and his wife had been in the public house earlier in the day, and had had two three half-penny worth of beer. In addition, Priscilla had had a clay pipe. They had both behaved quietly. In the evening Noah returned on his own, and stood drinks all round. He seemed to be known by everyone in the bar.
Alfred Northway, of Rew Lea Cottages, confirmed this sequence of events.
Ethel Gill of Pitt saw the couple at the Terrace Steps–the wife sat down on the steps, and fell down when she tried to stand up.
Wilfred Routley said much the same thing, saying that the wife was drunk and the husband was carrying brooms.
Robert Hewings saw them between Tucking Mill and Barnsey Bridge.
William Endacott, a baker's assisant, heard Noah say that the next time she went to prison 'she would have to take the children with her'.
William John Hamlyn said that he saw the couple at Rock Park Cross. The woman was lying still on the ground, and her husband, holding a broom, was bending over her. Noah asked for assistance, but then decided he could manage, and threatened Mr. Hamlyn when he persisted.
Samuel E Edgecombe, of Place Lodge, said that Noah Small and his brother asked him if he had seen a woman with a basket.
William Henry Mogridge gave evidence that he had shown the brothers the field where the basket was.
Samuel Frank Willis said that he had found the deceased's jacket in the road.
Abraham Knott, a former policeman, found Priscilla's hat, and P S Broughton found her skirt and bodice.
The jury returned a verdict of manslaughter.
Western Times 25 January 1910 p8 cols 5,6

On Thursday 22nd January Noah Small appeared before magistrates Major R C Tucker and J P Tucker in a crowded court at Ashburton. He was charged with wilful murder with malice aforethought, and sat trembling throughout the proceedings. The prosecution said that the prisoner had to explain his reaction on seeing his wife in the field, ie that looking over the gate, without going to her, he said, 'Oh, my missus is dead!'.
Another consideration in the case was the fact that Priscilla's clothes were scattered, as though there had been a struggle. Her skirt and jacket were found further along the road, and the blouse and another skirt** were found in the field with the basket. The jacket's sleeves were inside out, as though it had been tugged off.
The evidence given at the inquest was repeated to the magistrates, and the prisoner was committed for trial at the Assizes.
Western Times 28 January 1910 p10 col4

**Women's clothing of this period consisted of multiple layers.

3rd February 1910. Noah Small was found guilty at Exeter of manslaughter. He was sentenced to 5 years' penal servitude.
North Devon Journal 10 February 1910 p7 col2

By 1910 both Noah and Priscilla had had many encounters with the law, usually because of drunken behaviour. This included previous appearances at Ashburton Police Court for Noah in 1892 and 1899, when he had been arrested for being drunk and (in 1899) disorderly.
But in 1891 he was the victim - his father, James Small, was charged with causing grievous bodily harm to his son. Both men were drunk in Teignmouth, and when Noah had an argument with his wife his father intervened. In the ensuing fight James bit Noah's thumb, and also bit two pieces of his ear off, which were produced in evidence. Noah's wife Priscilla corroborated her husband's account.
The charge was reduced to common assault, and James was sentenced to two months' imprisonment with hard labour.
Western Times 22 November 1892 p5 col7
Western Times 16 May 1899 p5 col3
Exeter Flying Post 11 April 1891 p7 col3

Priscilla was fined 2s 6d plus costs for drunkenness in 1895, and in 1902 was charged with telling fortunes at Chudleigh. In 1903 she was charged with being drunk whilst in charge of a child. It was stated that her husband was living in a van at Ashburton.
When charged with 'sleeping out' in 1905 she was fined 10s, which her husband paid. When she appeared in court in 1906, she was too drunk to answer the charge of being drunk at Buckfastleigh the previous Saturday. She was fined and ordered to be detained until she was sober.
In 1909, when again charged with being drunk in charge of a child, she claimed that a woman in a motor-car had given her 'a drop of brandy'. She promised that it would not happen again. When fined 5s by the magistrate she said, 'Thank you, Sir. God bless you Sir.'
Western Times 25 December 1895 p3 col4
Exeter and Plymouth Gazette 29 July 1902 p6 col2
Exeter and Plymouth Gazette 31 October 1903 p3 col2
Exeter and Plymouth Gazette 24 May 1905 p3 col3
Western Times 11 December 1906 p5 col7
Western Times 4 September 1909 p3 col2

 *                                                     *******                                                  *
Mr A Nott, a former police sergeant, was buried in the churchyard in May 1913, with many townspeople attending the funeral. Police Sergt. Luxton was in charge of the bearers, who were: Constable Hammett from Ashburton together with Constables Champion (Chudleigh), Ellis (Ilsington), Horne (Holne), Finch (Bovey Tracey), Hunt (Widecombe), Sanders (Buckfastleigh) and Uglow (Chudleigh Knighton).
Western Times 30 May 1913 p14 col1

48 year old George Hammett was a retired police constable at the time of the 1921 census, living at 73 East Street. His two sons, Leonard George and William, were with him on census night.
1921 census RG15 piece no. 10435 schedule 9

The funeral of George Hammett took place at the parish church at the end of February. There was a large attendance - he had been a 'very popular police constable at Ashburton' for many years.
Western Times 2 March 1922 p3 col5

Frederick William Luxton was a retired sergeant of the Devon Constabulary at the time of the 1921 census. He was living in St Lawrence Lane with his wife Mary Agnes, daughters Agnes May and Lucy, and son Charles. Agnes May was a draper's assistant, and Lucy was a schoolteacher.
1921 census RG15 piece no. 10435 schedule 52 

Frederick W Luxton, born in 1868, was a retired Police Sergeant living in St Lawrence Lane in the 1939 register. 
1939 register, available through

He died at 22 St Lawrence Lane in February 1944, aged seventy five. He had retired in 1920 after nearly 32 years' service.
 Western Times 18 February 1944, p4 col6

  *                                                *******                                                  *

  *                             Some crimes and their punishment                                 *

In April 1795 the London Gazette appealed for information about the authors of 'inflammatory and seditious' hand-bills, which had been stuck up in Crediton and Ashburton. Labourers and others 'were incited to 'riots and tumults'. A pardon from the king (George III) was promised to anyone who could furnish information about the crime, except for the authors themselves, and the magistrates of Devon offered an additional £100, to be paid upon conviction of the perpetrators.
London Gazette Issue 13773 25 April 1795 p7

The above may be linked to:
8th August 1795 'On returning to our inn we found dinner prepared, and just after we had finished the Duke of Beaufort made his appearance... He told us he had been at Ashburton the day before with a detachment of 500 men, in order to be at hand in case of a riot, at the execution of a man who had been foremost in creating disturbances some time before. He had been tried the week before and found guilty, and had contrived to circulate a report that the mob would attempt to release him at the place of execution, which was not however founded in truth. Every thing was quiet, nor was there any occasion to call in the military.'
Journal of a Tour around the Southern Coasts of England, John Henry Manners, 5th Duke of Rutland, London, 1805, p103

William Lee, stole a quarter of mutton from John Ireland, butcher
Punishment - 3 months imprisonment
Exeter Flying Post 29 March 1821 p4 col3

Samuel Pyle, for 'uttering' (issuing?) base coin at Ashburton
Punishment - 1 years imprisonment
Exeter and Plymouth Gazette 20 January 1827 p2 col5

John Heale and William Heale, for stealing 100lb hay from Mr Bairnes
Punishment - 6 months imprisonment and hard labour, with one weeks solitary each month, and each twice privately whipped.
Exeter and Plymouth Gazette 27 February 1830 p3 col2

W MacDowell and W Major, stole wool from R Caunter
Punishment - 14 years transportation.
Western Times 22 May 1841 p3 col5

1846 Richard Willis, servant to Thomas Irish, was sentenced to two years' hard labour after obtaining corduroy leggings and breeches from John Husson, draper. Willis had gone to a Thomas Sampson and asked him to write a note for him, which he said he had mislaid. The pair went to a public house and Willis dictated: 'Mr Husson, Please to let Richard Willis have his breechings and leggings, and I will call and pay you for them. Thomas Irish, Tor.'
On being sentenced the prisoner stated that he would rather have had 7 years' transportation.
Exeter and Plymouth Gazette 28 March 1846 p4 col5

1848 Mr Tucker defended four Ashburton boys who had stolen 70 apples from Samuel Widger of Ilsington. The boys: Thomas Gregory, Edward Leman, John James and William Field, were all small and appeared to be very young, and Mr Tucker argued that it would be a great evil to send such children to prison. The magistrates eventually fined the boys 5s each including costs. They were warned, however, that 'the offence of stealing apples is one of the deepest magnitude', for which they could have been fined £20, with an alternative of 6 months in prison. A second offence could result in 7 years' transportation.

Exeter and Plymouth Gazette 30 September 1848 p7 col4

In 1850 an unnamed person was fined £20 plus expenses under the Game Laws. There was talk of 'tyranny and injustice' as the defendant had had to face: one magistrate, three lawyers, one squire and one huntsman.
Western Times 26 January 1850 p5 col4

1853. James Coneybeare, landlord of the New Bottle Inn, was summoned for allowing gaming on the premises. The constable, Thomas Foaden, had gone to the inn and found a card game of 'all fours' in progress, with 'money on the table'. The defence claimed that in fact the men were conjuring with the cards. 

Hearing that the landlord was of good character and kept 'as good order and rule...... as any landlord in Ashburton', the case was dismissed.
Exeter Flying Post 29 September 1853 p4 col3

John Windos, aged 23, was convicted of stealing a half crown (2s 6d) from John Berry
Punishment - 2 months imprisonment with hard labour.
Western Times 4 March 1854 p6 col4

1858. George Leaman, a Staverton farmer, had an altercation with Mr Sawdye in West Street on 31st March. Leaman used 'insulting language', and Sawdye turned round to see that Leaman had raised his stick. Sawdye pinned Leaman against a wall with his umbrella, and then marched him to the police station. The ensuing law case was however not about the altercation itself, but about a summonses that Mr Leaman later took out, alleging that Mr Sawdye attacked him with a stick. As the weapon used was an umbrella, not a stick, Mr Sawdye summonsed Leaman for perjury.

The jury returned a verdict of 'Not guilty'
Western Times 31 July 1858 p6 col6

1863 Elizabeth Honeywill and Nancy Caunter were charged with the stealing of two turnips, value 1d, from John Langler at Rew Farm

Punishment - £1 each to cover costs.
Exeter and Plymouth Gazette 18 September 1863 p5 col5

Petty Sessions 1864 A boy named Grute was fined for throwing stones at an old woman called Williams
Punishment - 2s 6d fine and 14s expenses.

John Williams, the husband of the woman concerned, assaulted the boy Grute.
Punishment - 2s 6d fine and 7s 6d expenses.
Exeter and Plymouth Gazette 25 November 1864 p6 col5

1865 William Thorne, aged about 16, pleaded guilty to stealing chestnuts from the vicarage. The Rev C Worthy had asked for leniency.
Punishment - confinement until 9pm.
Exeter and Plymouth Gazette 10 November 1865 p6 col5

1870 William Stevens, of the Red Lion Inn, was accused of letting 'notoriously bad persons' gather in his house.
The case was dismissed.
Exeter Flying Post 23 November 1870 p7 col5

1872 P C Hobbs summoned Henry Hearn for erecting a 'roundabout velocipede machine'* at the Bull Ring and causing an obstruction. Lord Clinton reserved the right to use this area of the town, where the old market house had stood, for exhibitions etc., but on this occasion his steward Mr Whiteway had refused permission. However, Mr Hearn had paid a toll to a Mr Coleman.

Punishment - a fine of 1s and 10s 6d costs, which was paid by Mr Coleman.
Western Times 24 May 1872 p9 col3

*A roundabout consisting of bicycles, which the riders possibly pedalled around themselves. There were also steam-driven versions.
  has a photograph of a bicycle roundabout

1877 William Noon, a coachbuilder, was convicted of stealing a gig from another coachbuilder, William Whiddon.
Punishment - 4 months imprisonment with hard labour.
Western Times 4 January 1877 p3 col1

1894 Hedley Boon, a painter from Ashburton, and another youth from Buckfastleigh, were charged at Ashburton Petty Sessions with 'Furious riding.'
Punishment - a 7s fine, inclusive.
Exeter and Plymouth Gazette 24 April 1894 p7 col5

At Ashburton Petty Sessions Mr Richards, appearing for the Ashburton Drug Company*, did not deny that the company had sold poison without the required label showing the seller's correct name and address. The bottle in question was labelled Coleberd and Co., Sidmouth - the shop had previously been a branch of this company.
Punishment - a £3 10s fine, inclusive.
Western Times 29 September 1899 p6 col4

*The Ashburton Drug Company was Company No. 60718, incorporated in 1899 and dissolved before 1916.
National Archives BT 31/8356/60718
Board of Trade and successors - Accessed 15-1-2014

1906. Evelyn King, aged 7, was charged with stealing flowers from the churchyard. The disappearance of flowers from graves had become quite a problem, and the parishioners had decided to prosecute the first person caught taking them. The sexton, John Palk, spotted the child one morning with something under her apron, and when he lifted the apron found flowers concealed underneath. J. H. King, father of Evelyn, pleaded guilty on her behalf, and told the court that Evelyn said she took the flowers to school for lessons. The girl was 'severely cautioned', and was warned that she might be called up for judgment.
Western Times 29 August 1906 p4 col6

 *                                                     ***                                                     *
  *                                     Alfred John Hardy - 'Chippy'                                  *

Alfred John Hardy, known as 'Chippy', was living at Rewlea Cottages in the 1960s. He always maintained that he was related to the novelist Thomas Hardy, but that he was descended from the 'black sheep' side of the family.* Whatever the truth of the claim, Chippy was certainly a black sheep himself.
*See Growing Up in the 1960s.
In The Collected Letters of Thomas Hardy, 1926-27, vol 7, p67 it is said that Ashburton Police, at the instigation of James Mortimer, made 'inquiries' into Alfred John Hardy's claims. The inquiries do not seem to have deterred him.

Alfred John Hardy, together with Edith Mary Hardy, were baptised at St Saviour's Church, Dartmouth, in April 1893. Their birth dates were written alongside the register: Alfred was born on 5th July 1888, and Edith was born on 27th July 1890. Their parents were John, a labourer, and Margaret Ann.
Dartmouth parish records

The family had been in Townstall, Dartmouth, in the 1891 census. John was 54 and his wife (Ann on the census) was 26; John had been born in Halstock, Dorset.
1891 census RG12, piece no. 1710, folio 118, p18

In June 1898 a headline in the Dartmouth and South Hams Chronicle read "Youthful depravity - a shocking story."
A baker in Dartmouth, Mr J C Oldrieve, kept 80 to 90 chickens in a well fenced run. One afternoon he discovered that 14 chickens had been killed and left lying about the field, wire netting had been ripped from the hen house and eggs had been taken.
Charged with the offence were Alfred John Hardy, 9, and Henry George, 8. Their heads 'barely exceeded the height of the dock'. George's sister was also implicated, but was not charged because she was under 7 years old. Hardy said, 'she killed seven, he killed five and I killed two.' On the way to the Police Station Hardy had apparently also admitted to taking gooseberries and apples from two gardens.
This was Hardy's third offence - he had been had up before for assault, and for stealing a watch. The magistrates decided to imprison both boys until 6pm, when Hardy received 6 strokes of the birch, and George 4. The job was given to the strongest constable, with instructions to have it 'laid on "thick" '.
Dartmouth and South Hams Chronicle 17 June 1898, p3 col6

Six months later Alfred was in trouble again, this time for stealing a basket value 1s 3d. He again received 6 strokes of the birch. His father was told by the clerk that he could be present at the birching if he wished, to which the father replied , nonchalantly, 'Oh! I've seen it once sir.'
Exeter and Plymouth Gazette 14 December 1898, p3 col6
Dartmouth and South Hams Chronicle 16 December 1898, p3 col7

In March 1899 Hardy, together with two other lads, was prosecuted for stealing a pipe, a cigarette holder and some pen-holders, which they had taken from a chest of drawers next to an open window in North Ford Road. Hardy admitted, 'I done it, Sir.' He was sentenced to 6 strokes of the birch, but was warned that any further offences could result in his being sent to a reformatory.
Dartmouth and South Hams Chronicle 10 March 1899, p2 col6

By November Alfred was convicted of stealing a football, and, together with another boy, of stealing a cake. He received 6 strokes of the birch.
Totnes Weekly Times 18 November, p2 col2

By 1901 twelve year old Alfred was under detention at the Devon and Exeter Reformatory, in Heavitree.
1901 census RG13, piece no. 2033, folio 79, p18

Alfred's occupation was a fisherman when he joined the Royal Navy as a stoker in 1907. He was described as 5'3" tall, with dark brown hair and brown eyes.
British Royal Navy Seamen 1899-1924 via

In 1912 Alfred John Hardy, a seaman of Brixham, was accused of stealing, with violence, a purse from Emily Sutton, a young music teacher. He had met her whilst she was walking to Landrake, and asked for a few coppers - she gave him two pennies. He walked by her side for a while, and then grabbed her, putting one arm around her neck and his right hand over her mouth. She struggled and screamed for two or three minutes and then let him have the purse; he then ran towards Saltash.
The prisoner had been in the Sportsmen's Arms, near Landrake, earlier in the day. He told the licensee that he had been discharged from the Navy after 5 years, and was looking for work. 'Anything was better than the Navy', he said.
Hardy denied the charge, but was found guilty. He was sent to prison for 9 months.
Western Daily Mercury 11 March 1912, p7 col4
Western Daily Mercury 4 June 1912, p6 col2

Alfred J Hardy married Agnes O Brown in the Southwark registration district in the June quarter of 1915.

In the autumn of 1927 Ashburton Police Court dealt with a case that the Western Morning News headlined Ashburton Workmen's Quarrel in a Lorry. Hardy was accused of assaulting Edwin Vicary, when both men were returning to Ashburton after working on some new cottages at Buckland. The men argued over a seat, and Hardy allegedly hit Vicary over the head. The case was dismissed, and each party had to pay their own costs.Western Morning News 24 September 1927, p111 col4

Alfred J Hardy, born 5th July 1888, was a builder's labourer at the time of the 1939 register. He was living with his wife, Agnes O Hardy, at Tucking Mill.
1939 register

In 1942 Agnes Olive Hardy, of Tucking Mill, was found guilty of receiving two fowls from Wilfred J Twose, knowing them to have been stolen. She was fined £5.
Exeter and Plymouth Gazette 30 January 1942, p5 col3

Despite his past, by the time he was in his 70s Chippy was a hardworking, cheerful employee. It is difficult to reconcile my own memories of him with the newspaper reports of his childhood.

Alfred John Hardy, of 6, Rewlea Cottages, died on 17th March 1966, aged 77. His occupation on his death certificate was bricklayer, retired.
GRO certificate

In 1930 Harold Henry Bolt was charged with driving a motor milk float to the danger of the public.
Punishment - a 50s fine.
Exeter and Plymouth Gazette 29 March 1930 p7 col4

1938 Kenneth Edward James Harris worked at the Ashburton Paper Mills, earning £2 a week. The previous year he had caused grievous bodily harm to Edith Emily Woodley-Goodwin by attacking her with a hammer. He was sentenced to 3 years' penal servitude.
Exeter and Plymouth Gazette 4 February 1938 p2 col6

In 1946, at Glamorgan Assizes, Raymond John Kitchener Woods was sentenced to 6 months imprisonment. Woods, a 30 year old baker who lived in Globe Arch, pleaded guilty to bigamy - he had been through a form of marriage at Swansea to an Irene May Jenkins in 1941, whilst his legal wife, Florence Anne Woods, was still alive.
Western Times 12 July 1946, p6 col2
                                                   The 1920s
                       'Hunted by Sinn Fein Gunman into a Devonshire Lane'
In August 1922 Major G Neilson, a former chief intelligence officer of the Royal Irish Constabulary, travelled from Dublin to London, and thence to Ashburton. Whilst in Dublin he had received an anonymous letter saying that he must be prepared to die, in revenge for the death of a member of the Irish Republican Brotherhood, 'whom Major Neilson shot in self-defence'. Friday 11th August was the anniversary of the death; he travelled to Ashburton on the Tuesday before, to stay with friends at Buckland in the Moor. 
He saw nothing suspicious when he arrived at the  railway station, and hired a horse and cab to take him to his friends, about three miles away. He said to the driver how 'pleasant and peaceful' the area looked.
Major Neilson went fishing on Thursday morning, stayed in during the afternoon, and then went for a walk late in the evening. It was then that three men attacked him, firing a shot as he tried to escape; he feigned death, but was shot a second time.
When he did not return his friends went looking for him, and found him 'wounded and unconscious in a pool of blood'. He was taken to Exeter Home Hospital, where he remained in a serious condition.
It was thought that the Major was followed all the way from Ireland to Ashburton. It was not known how the assailants escaped as trains were infrequent - one theory was that they used motor cycles. Special Branch, Scotland Yard, were actively making enquiries in London.
Gloucestershire Echo, 12th August 1922, p4 col6

'It was not uncommon to see two warders from Princetown Prison arrive, on horseback, and we knew then that a prisoner was on the run. A poster with a photograph and description of the fugitive would appear in Saddler Eales' window, and as a child I always felt sympathy for him, especially as the mother of one of my friends said, 'He's some mother's poor boy'. It is difficult to imagine life in those days when communication was so limited, few people had telephones, so news came a day late when the newspapers arrived. Interesting items were passed by word of mouth, getting more exaggerated with the telling.'

Many thanks to Hazel Bray for the above account                                                 

In 1939 three convicts from Dartmoor Prison were on the run for 19 hours before being recaptured near Bovey Tracey; all three had been employed as cooks, and had escaped through the kitchen window. Because of Air Raid Precautions there was a ban on using a siren to signal escapes, which helped the convicts evade capture. Reaching Ashburton, they stole a car from Mr E Adams at Highgrove, after pouring a couple of gallons of petrol into the tank from a can. They had to have the headlights full on to negotiate the unfamiliar roads, which helped police locate their movements. Mr Adams did not known that his car had been stolen until informed by the police.
Torbay Express and Echo, 16 October 1939, p3 cols 3,4

Albert Donoghue, the right hand man of the Kray twins, was, as a child, evacuated to Devon 'around Okehampton and Dartmoor'. According to Martin Fido, who has written a book about the Krays, this included Ashburton.
Martin Fido, The Krays: Unfinished Business, London, 2000, p189

Five prisoners escaped from Dartmoor Prison on Boxing Day, 1966. At the beginning of January 1967 three boys, two aged 11 and one 8, were playing 'cops and robbers' and 'cowboys and Indians' around two barns near their homes.* When they went into one of the barns they spotted movement and a boot sticking out of the straw. They ran home, where PC Roy Walker was talking to their mother; they described what they had seen to the 24 year old constable.
When PC Walker went to the barn, he found two of the prisoners sitting on the bales of straw.
Coventry Evening Telegraph, 2 January 1967, p25 col1
*Believed to be in the Dolbeare area. From an Ashburton resident.

 *                                                 *******                                                 *

Material on Ashburton Remand Home is now in a separate section, under Ashburton in Peril.
