The 1930s
Right: A jewel inscribed on the front Independent Order of Oddfellows Manchester Unity. On the reverse is written: Presented to Bro E Luscombe P G* 1933 in appreciation of services rendered to Loyal Ashburton Lodge.
* Past Grand - has presided over an Oddfellows' Lodge. In 1932 he was N G - Noble Grand, or presiding officer.
Exeter and Plymouth Gazette 1 July 1932 p14 col1

For more on the Oddfellows, see the Join the Club sub-section of Gathering Together.
From my own collection

Right and below: A coronation mug commemorating the coronation of King George VI and Queen Elizabeth. George VI had become king upon the abdication of his brother, Edward VIII, in December 1936.

In February a meeting presided over by Mr H S Joyce, the Portreeve, proposed giving a commemorative mug to all children under 16 who attended a celebration tea. After some debate it was decided to give a mug to all children, whether parishioners or not,
provided that the non-parishioners attended a local boarding school and were not receiving a souvenir from any other source.
Western Times 19 February 1937 p13 col7
From my own collection