In 1843 a Mr Coles, 'Surgeon-dentist' based at Plymouth, could be consulted at Ashburton on the first Tuesday of every month from 11 until 4.
1870 Mr D M Ching, also a surgeon dentist, was offering a similar
service. Also based at Plymouth, he could be consulted on the third
Saturday in each month, at Mr Giles, East Street. Artificial teeth cost
from 5s each - a complete set was £3 3s.
Exeter and Plymouth Gazette 3 June 1843 p2 col6
Totnes Weekly Times, 30 July 1870, p1col1
the 1911 census Daniel Ogilvie Evans, his wife Annie and son Wilfred
were living in West Street at no. 7 where they ran the family business
of druggist and dentist: they also sold wines and spirits. In addition,
Wilfred dealt in photography.
1911 census RG14, Piece 12725, Schedule no. 108