Virtual museum - the 1750s

Above: These pages have the names John Templer, Joseph Sunter (1753 or 1758) and Reginald G. Templer on the left hand page and William Sunter (1751 and 1753) inscribed on the right.

Above: Joseph Sunter.
The following four images are from the endpapers of one volume of The works of Virgil, by Joseph Trapp.
Four people have inscribed their names, and there are additional doodles.
Many thanks to Janet Brown for allowing me to use these images, and for information on the families involved.
Four people have inscribed their names, and there are additional doodles.
Many thanks to Janet Brown for allowing me to use these images, and for information on the families involved.

Above: Inscriptions by John Templer and Reginald G Templer

William and Joseph Sunter were the sons of John Sunter of Ashburton, baptized in 1736 and 1743 respectively.
Elizabeth, the daughter of Joseph Sunter, was baptized in 1790, and an Elizabeth Sunter married John Templer in 1818.
Reginald William Templer, son of John and Elizabeth, was baptized in 1826, and he in turn had a son Reginald Gwynne Templer, born in Teignmouth in 1857. The 1881 census shows Reginald William with his wife and six children in Teignmouth - Reginald Gwynne is amongst them
The Reginald G who has written in the book is presumably Reginald Gwynne Templer, the great grandson of Joseph Sunter.
1881 census RG11, folio 2156/167, page number 15
Elizabeth, the daughter of Joseph Sunter, was baptized in 1790, and an Elizabeth Sunter married John Templer in 1818.
Reginald William Templer, son of John and Elizabeth, was baptized in 1826, and he in turn had a son Reginald Gwynne Templer, born in Teignmouth in 1857. The 1881 census shows Reginald William with his wife and six children in Teignmouth - Reginald Gwynne is amongst them
The Reginald G who has written in the book is presumably Reginald Gwynne Templer, the great grandson of Joseph Sunter.
1881 census RG11, folio 2156/167, page number 15