Familysearch index
John Row Bennet was baptised in March 1768, Ashburton, the son of Wm and Anna Maria
Parish records
William Bennett of Rew was buried in November 1779
William Bennett of Rew was buried in November 1781
Parish records
Either, or neither may have been the father of John Rowe
John Rowe Bennett was apprenticed to John Caunton [Caunter?], clothier, Ashburton, 1783
Country Apprentices Britain, 1710 - 1808
John Rowe Bennett was Quartermaster at Tavistock, in 1796.
List of officers of the several regiments and corps etc., War Office, 1797, p287
Mrs Anna Maria Bennet of Rew was buried in December 1799
Parish records
John Rowe Bennett, 'Captain in the South Devon Regt. of Militia, now at Bristol' married Jane Ley, of the parish of Cockington, in November 1804. Jacob Ley was the minister, and the witnesses were Sarah, Philippa and Anne Ley.
Cockington Parish records
William Andrew Bennett, the son of John Row and Jane, was baptised in October 1805. He was buried in 1806
Ashburton parish records
Mary Ann Bennett, the daughter of John and Jane, was baptised in November 1806
Ashburton parish records
Jane Ley, the daughter of John Rowe and Jane Bennett, was baptised in Cockington in March 1808.
Cockington parish records
John, the son of John Rowe and Jane Bennett, was baptised in November 1810.
Cockington parish records
Elizabeth, the daughter of John Rowe and Jane Bennett, was baptised in October 1811.
Cockington parish records
William Bewes Bennett was born December 23rd, 1812, the son of John Rowe and Jane Bennett. He was baptised privately in February 1813, and received publicly in August [?] His father was Esquire, and his abode was Chelston.
Cockington parish records
Sarah Anne, the daughter of John Rowe and Jane Bennett, was privately baptised in November 1815, and publicly baptised in 1817. John Rowe was Esquire, and his abode was Chelston.
Cockington parish records
Caroline Philippa, the daughter of John Rowe and Jane Bennett, was privately baptised in April 1817. John Rowe was Esquire, and his abode was Chelston.
Cockington parish records
John Row Bennett died in May 1837 aged 69, and was buried in Ashburton churchyard. His abode was Sandwell in Harberton.
Parish records
The announcement of his death, at Sandwill House, said that he had been a captain of the Southern Regiment of the Devonshire Militia for many years, serving 'during the whole of the French revolutionary war, to the peace of 1814, with credit to himself and honour to the service.'
Western Times 3 June 1837, p3 col1
'[Sandwell] is now the property and residence of John Bennett Esq., who purchased it, since 1814, of the trustees of the late Thos. Lear Esq.'
Daniel Lysons, Magna Britannia, vol VI, Devonshire, 1822, p254
According to White's Directory of 1850, the Rev W B Bennett was one of the principal owners in Harberton: the Rev Wm Bewes Bennett is listed at Sandwell.
William White, History, Gazetteer and Directory of Devonshire, 1850 - accessed 07-04-2022
Edward Herbert Bayldon's land
A document dated 1890 is an 'Abstract of the Title of Edward Herbert Bayldon Esq. and Annie his wife and their trustees to certain Freehold Land in the parish of Ashburton in the County of Devon.'
The property concerned was 'all that capital messuage farm and lands called Rew otherwise Ray in the parish of Ashburton in the County of Devon to hold unto and to the use of the said Edward Herbert Bayldon in fee simple and also all that field called the "Claw" otherwise "Ireland's Claw" in the said parish of Ashburton to hold unto the said Edward Herbert Bayldon for the residue of the term of one thousand years therein created in or about the year 1704.'
The document is a complicated one, involving a large number of people.
Edmund Yonge
Jane Ley the wife of Edmund Yonge
Mary Ann Bennett spinster
Sarah Ann Bennett spinster
of the first part
The Reverend William Bewes Bennett
of the second part
The Reverend Jacob Ley the Younger
of the third part
'It appeared that...the indenture of the 13th March 1854 was never executed...the said James Edmond Yonge was the only son and heir of the said Edmund Yonge and Jane Ley his wife.'
...and reciting the will of the said William Bewes Bennett...Sarah Ann Cresswell (then the said Sarah Ann Bennett spinster) became entitled to the beneficial interest in the other undivided moiety of...the lands thereinafter mentioned...'
The Reverend Sackville George Cresswell
of the first part
Sarah Ann Bennett
of the second part
Cecil Edward Bewes
Richard Preston Bishop
of the third part
'Being the settlement in contemplation of the marriage of the said Sackville George Cresswell and the said Sarah Ann Bennett' where the undivided moiety of Sarah Ann Bennett's land was transferred to Cecil Edward Bewes and Richard Preston Bishop.
Sackville George Cresswell
of the first part
Cecil Edward Bewes
Richard Preston Bewes
of the second part
James Mayne
of the third part
Sarah Ann Bennett appointed James Mayne to be a trustee of the Indenture of Settlement in place of Richard Preston Bishop.
Agreement by James Edward Yonge, Cecil Edward Bewes and James Mayne with Edward Herbert Bayldon for sale to him of the fee simple of the lands thereinafter mentioned 'as being conveyed for the residue of a certain term of 1000 years for the sum of £3500.

From my own collection
The Rev John Ley of Beachcroft, Torquay, Clerk in Holy Orders
Elizabeth Hussey formerly of Daventry in the County of Northampton but then of the city of Oxford, widow
Sarah Jane Ley also formerly of Daventry but then of Sowton Rectory near Exeter, spinster
All of the first part
James Edmond Yonge of Brixton in the County of Devon Esquire
of the second part
Cecil Edward Bewes of Hillside in the parish of Plympton St Mary in the County of Devon Esquire
The Reverend James Mayne of Romansleigh in the County of Devon Clerk in Holy Orders
of the third part
Sarah Ann Cresswell of Holcombe Burnell Vicarage in the County of Devon wife of the Reverend Sackville George Cresswell Clerk
of the fourth part
Edward Herbert Bayldon of the fifth part.
Edward Herbert Bayldon of 20 Addison Road Kensington in the County of Middlesex, gentleman
of the first part
Annie Bayldon his wife
of the second part
Sidney Stevens of 5 Princes Street Bank in the City of London, gentleman (the natural and lawful brother of Annie Bayldon)
Robert Edward Joshua Matthews of 66 Gresham Street in the City of London, solicitor
of the third part
Edward Herbert Bayldon being in need of £200 was lent the money by Sidney Stevens, on condition that Edward Herbert Bayldon made provision for Annie Bayldon and her children. Rew otherwise Ray and the field called the Claw otherwise Ireland's Claw was conveyed to Sidney Stevens and Robert Edward Joshua Matthews as Trustees. After the deaths of Edward Herbert Bayldon and his wife Annie the trustees had the discretion to sell the hereditaments and premises.