Hannaford's Court

Above: The wider than usual door is the entrance to Hannaford's Court. No. 54 East Street is the next door down.
My own photograph 2016
In 1851 Elizabeth Hannaford, a married landed proprietor, was living in East Street. Between the property she was occupying and the Red Lion Tap was Hannaford's Court. In 1816 her husband Samuel was with her. Was Hannaford's Court owned by Samuel and Elizabeth, and named after them?
1851 census, HO107, piece no. 1871, folio 262, p7
1861 census RG09, piece no. 1405, folio 67, p5
1861 census RG09, piece no. 1405, folio 67, p5
In September
1887 Sawdye and Son held an auction at the Golden Lion for properties in
East Street, for the representatives of the late Mrs Samuel Hannaford.
The properties were freehold, and occupied at the time by S Hannaford, M
Nix, W Willis and others. The sale consisted of two dwelling houses and
several tenements, with a 'capital orchard and garden', the plot being 2
roods and 16 perches, and bringing in a rental of £37 per year.
auctioneers couldn't achieve the reserve of £500 - £350 was the highest
bid - so Mr Herbert Hannaford, of Widecombe, added £5 to the reserve and
bought the properties for £505.
Western Times 27 September 1887, p8 col5
Western Times 27 September 1887, p8 col5
See below, where William J Willis was in Hannaford's Court in 1891
In 1891 the following heads of houses were in Hannaford's Court:
William J Willis, Hannafords Court
Eliza Smerdon, Hannafords Court
Jane Whale, Hannafords Court
Bertha Potter, Hannafords Court
Maria Foot, Hannafords Court
All above are 1891 census, RG12, piece no. 1698, folio 48, p3
All below are 1891 census, RG12, piece no. 1698, folio 48, p4
All above are 1891 census, RG12, piece no. 1698, folio 48, p3
All below are 1891 census, RG12, piece no. 1698, folio 48, p4
Fanny Irish, Hannafords Court
Elizabeth Baker, Hannafords Court
Elizabeth Andrews, Hannafords Court
In 1911 the census asked for householders to state the number of rooms they had in the properties they were occupying. The kitchen counted as a room, but not a scullery, landing, lobby, closet or bathroom.
The following were the occupants of houses were in Hannaford's Court, together with the number of rooms:
Mary Cubing, a 91 year old widow living alone - Hannafords Court. One room.
Emma Foot, livng with her two children aged 10 and 5 - Hannafords Court. One room
John Hicks, single, 64 - Hannafords Court. One room.
George Henry Foot and his wife Jane, with their one year old daughter and George's 18 year old stepson - Hannafords Court. One room.
1911 census RG14, piece no. 12728
10 lots of property belonging to the Rev. H B Tillbrook* were auctioned by Rendell and Sawdye in 1913. The final lot was a block of freehold houses and tenements in Hannaford's Court, which sold to Mr J H Tolcher for £90.
Western Times 29 August 1913, p9 col6
*The Rev H Byng Tillbrook, of Greylands, was leaving the district in 1907
Western Times 27 December 1907, p12 col3
In 1918 Florence Hamlyn, a soldier's wife of of Hannaford's Court, Ashburton, was summoned for neglecting her four children, aged between 4 and 9. The children were well-nourished, but were 'in a dirty and verminous condition'. She had been warned before to look after the children and clean the house. Florence was fined £2 inclusive.
Western Times 25 October, p10 col4
In the Western Morning News financial section in 1949, Lannarth Builders Ltd., Hannaford Court, East Street Ashburton,increased their original £3000 capital by another £3000. They did this by issuing 1000 ordinary shares, and 2000 six per cent second cumulative redeemable preference shares of £1 each.
This was at least the second increase - their capital of £1000, and had been increased to £3000 in September.
Western Moring News 7 December 1949, p5 col6
Western Morning News 30 September 1949, p7 col7
There was a preliminary announcement in October 1950 of an auction at the builders' yard, adjoining the Red Lion Hotel. The auction was being held under the instructions of Leonard Tucker, the Receiver for the debenture holders, re Lannarth Builders, who were in liquidation. All the builders' plant and stock-in-trade was to be sold.
Western Morning News 9 October 1950, p2 col3
Right: Page from a booklet for the Golden Lion Hotel. H R Manley, builder and civil engineer, is advertising.
Golden Lion booklet, undated but 1940s or 50s

Above: Remains of the cottages that formed part of Hannaford's Court.
My own photograph 2020
With thanks to Fiona Garratt for showing me around

Above: Conveyance document for Hannaford Court
With many thanks to Fiona Garratt for all the documents on this page
On 3rd July 1957 a conveyance was made of 'Firstly all that passage or way and court known as Hannaford's Court, East Street, Ashburton in the County of Devon and secondly all that messuage or tenement house (recently used as an office and other buildings and the sites of certain other other messuages or tenement houses cottages and premises all situate in Hannaford's Court aforesaid...'
The Vendor retained the right to enter Hannaford's Court (at reasonable times and with reasonable notice), to make repairs to the garage of Greylands, which was adjoining the property.
Hitherto the Vendor had had a right of way to Roskilly's Tenement at the south of the property, which she owned, together with Ivyside, No. 50 East Street. This right was now extinguished.
The conveyance was made between the following parties:
(1) Winifred Weaver, the wife of David John Weaver of Greylands, Ashburton (the Vendor)
(2) Marie Delphine Antoinette Lareau of the Presentation Convent, Palace Gate, Exeter, spinster
Winifred Kathleen Rivers of St Mary's Beechfield, Hartley, Plymouth, spinster
Victoria Adeline Plamondon of Rosary House, Exeter, spinster
and Norah Louise Marie Wilson of Mount St Mary's, Wonford Road, Exeter, spinster (the Mortgagees)
(3) Albert Frederick Coole, 53 East Street, Ashburton, cabinet maker (the Purchaser).
Above: Signature of Albert F Coole
With thanks to Fiona Garratt
previous year, in June 1956, Mrs Weaver had taken out a mortgage with
the four religious sisters for £2970 for Hannaford's Court 'with other
property': all the interest had been paid, but none of the capital.
Coole was now buying the property for £430, with £400 of the purchase
price going to the mortgagees in part payment of the principal amount

Above: Plan attached to the conveyance. The red line shows the property that is being conveyed; the dotted blue line shows the drain or sewer; the green cross-hatching shows a portion of the passage that passes under other property.
With thanks to Fiona Garratt
The document lists previous conveyances of Hannaford's Court:
25 March 1920 from John Henry Tolcher to William Henry Collins
19 November 1930 from Rosa Collins to Henry Naylor
And conveyances of Roskilly's Tenement:
23 June 1920 Henry Bying Tillbrook to William Beer
6 May 1931 William Beer to Henry Naylor
23 October 1937 Henry Naylor to Francis Barnett
2 May 1941 Francis Barnett to Henry Naylor
7 January 1944 Henry Naylor to Mabel Louisa Neill, Winifred Elizabeth Barry and Mary Ellen Jones
August 1946 Mabel Louisa Neill, Winifred Elizabeth Barry and Mary Ellen
Jones to Martha Mansillon, Virginia Souchon and Kathleen Mary Rafferty
April 1955 A deed of appointment was made from Martha Mansillon to
Marie Delphine Antoinette Lareau, Winifred Kathleen Rivers, Victoria
Adeline Plamondon and Norah Louise Marie Milsom
28 June 1956 Conveyance from Marie
Delphine Antoinette Lareau, Winifred Kathleen Rivers, Victoria Adeline
Plamondon and Norah Louise Marie Milsom to Winifred Weaver

Above: Signatories to the conveyance
With thanks to Fiona Garratt